Why a girl has to go thru pain a few days in month , and in her married life there is pain of deflowering and then pain of Delivery?
Why does she have to suffer for the same pleasures in which men too are equally involved .
Doesn’t that means that God is biased and God is a Male Chauvinistic Pig.
Yes I am sure that this Bloody God is a Male Chauvanistic Pig .Everytime I have to go through those bloody dirty five days the same sick feeling comes inside me .Just because of this partiality I hate God .
Ya know, I’ve heard (sorry, no cite) that women experience greater pleasure from sex than men (at least potentially or ideally). What does that do to your theory?
You could make a fairly long list of advantages and disadvantages that each sex has over the other. And maybe it would all even out somehow. But if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be the only example of Life Not Being Fair.
I heard this on one of the “Joke Show” episodes of “Prairie Home Companion”:
Eve said to God one day, “This garden is wonderful, everything You’ve made is just so beautiful, I don’t like to complain – but I’m getting bored.”
God said, “Well, how would you like a man?”
“A man? What’s a man?”
“He’s a male creature – like you, but bigger and more aggressive. Kind of a slob, but you can use him for sex and all kinds of things, and he’ll entertain you and keep you company.”
“Oooh, yes! That sounds exciting! Yes, yes, let me have a man!”
Perhaps you should listen to Satan’s side of the story. He seems to agree with you on the “God is evil” tip.
However, men have died wholesale in wars and such much more often and in greater numbers then women ever have. Historically, as far as mother nature is concerned, it seems male humans lives are far less valuable then womens. Things like drafts and such are evidence of this reality. Overall, if there is a god, it looks like it doesn’t really care too much what occurs on our little speck of dust. It looks like goodness and kindness and peace will have to be human inventions if they are to exist at all. That is why I worship nothing but good intentions. They are the best chance we have got, and even they fuck us plenty of the time.
No period pain, check. Maybe you should see a doctor.
Deflowering was fun not painful at all, and had nothing to do with married life. You don’t have to be deflowered if you don’t want to. You don’t have to marry if you don’t want to. You also have the option of speaking to a doctor, as there may be a medical reason you find it so painful.
Pain of delivery ? You don’t have to have children, use contraceptives or see your doctor. If you do have children there are drugs which can help minimise the pain, I’ve heard, so see your doctor.
IOW, stop blaming god and see a doctor and take control/responsibility for your own body.
I’d like to point out, as a man, that I’ve been hit, hit them on, smashed, rolled over, and thunked my gonads so many times that it defies explanation. What you’re talking about has an indicator preceeding it. God saw fit to place the (second?) most important part of the male anatomy in a little baggy that dagles loosely between our legs. He also created every animal on the planet pre-trained to pounce on them, including small children, who will gleefully dance a jig atop them. I love God in spite of this, and even see the humor in it. I agree you should check with a doctor if it’s that bad though.