"God, The Devil, and Bob" on DVD. Fundamentalists have no sense of humor. (weak)

For those who’ve never heard of the show, “God, The Devil, and Bob” was a primetime NBC cartoon that lasted all of three episodes in early 2000. God and Devil make a pact that the fate of the world rests on the acts of one crude, beer swilling, porn addicted everyman. God looks like Jerry Garcia, Devil looks like he belongs in a tongue-in-cheek porno ripoff of “The Matrix.” It really never had a shot.

Immediately, there was “True Christian” backlash about HUMOR being used in talking about GOD. To steal from Kevin Smith, we know God himself has a sense of humor, just look at the platypus. But Bible-thumping assholes clearly don’t. The show was pulled after an astounding three episodes, and ten were left unaired (in the US anyway).

It had potential, and I was reminded in watching the first two episodes from the DVD release that it was really funny from the start. Subtle, intelligent, and just enough absurdity (When God proves he is indeed God to Bob, he transforms into a 30-foot-tall flowing beard God, and a bear rides across the sky on a tricycle with a trailing banner “Yes, he really is God.”) to make it something worth watching. But the protests were there from the start, and it couldn’t even last more than three episodes before it was pulled.

So to the author of the above website, as representative of all the humorless self-righteous prick fundamentalist Christians who cannot tolerate anything in their world that isn’t bedrock wank-job praise, you suck. Grow a fucking spine and let the small ray of truth shine into your miserable little hole that there are many others in the world that don’t want your puritanical bullshit heaped upon them.

You should pit that guy for the “overuse” of “quotes” on his webpage. It’s about enough to make me want to “kill” “somebody.”

And I’m glad it’s out on DVD now. I used to have divx copies of vhs transfers of them, but they were lost in the great hard drive crash of '02. Too bad it never had a chance.

Here I thought it was God, the Devil, and “Bob”.

Fuckers. :wink:

It’s God.


The Devil, and Bob.

It’s God.


The Devil, and Bob.

It’s God.


The Devil


and Bob.

Was I supposed to hear that in the voices of Ren and Stimpy? :wink:

From the website of the scandalized “christian”:

Too right. If I discovered that God drank the “light” swill, I’d have to seriously reconsider my theological options.
Don’y Matthew Carlson and Gary Murphy realize what all those Belgian abbeys are brewing?
That’s blasphemous.

I thought it was this “Bob”.

I dunno-I watched the first episode when it originally aired and I didn’t think it was all that funny, although I’m an atheist who likes Alan Cumming. But a definite “amen” to the OP’s sentiments to censorious religious goons who want to dictate to the rest of us what to watch and how to think.

And despite all the moronic fundie’s Bible quoting in the linked Web page, he seems not to have read the book of Job, in which God and the Devil made a deal to test the faith of one human being.

Hey dipshit, read Genesis 18:10-33, in which God and Abraham bargain to spare the Cities of the Plain from God’s wrath:

I swear, the more devout the fundie, the less likely he is to read the Bible for himself outside of church.

I swear, the more devout the fundie, the less likely he is to read the Bible for himself outside of church.

Amen brother.

You can’t expect a fundie to read any part of the “Jew” bible can you?

I came into this thread hoping it was pitting the fact that there hasn’t been a UK release of the DVD (stupid NTSC)

He “quotes” God and yet is quite literal about the devil. Further proof that fundies are closet Satanists. :wink:

Yes, but keep in mind that there are Christians who believe Jesus turned water into grapejuice at the wedding in Cana. If they’re that much against alcohol, I figure they aren’t all that likely to know the difference between good beer and what a friend of mine called “making love in a canoe”. :smiley:


Lord, save me from the more fervent of your followers!

If he’s that upset about the “God, The Devil, and Bob” box set, think how he must feel about the recent release of the fifth season of South Park. Maybe we could show him the Super Best Friends episode and watch his head explode.

That is just one of the faces of “Bob”. Indeed, do many things come to pass.

After years of research of the Bible, I have yet to find any evidence in it that God has a sense of humor. There are sections where he’s reportedly laughing AT people, but I haven’t seen anything showing a sense of humor.

I’ve also asked “Does God have a sense of humor” to many people of all types of religion and haven’t gotten a positive answer yet. sigh

I suppose that if the works that reportedly come directly from God don’t have one, then the followers of such won’t either.

I’m somewhat fundist by SDMB standards & I loved GTD&B’s three episodes, tho I was channel hopping between them & Buffy. And I grabbed the DVDs soon as I saw them. And they even lived up to my expectations!

Btw, the best review I saw of it was on beliefnet.com by Frederica Matthews-Greene, an Eastern Orthodox evangelical. She highly enjoyed it & recommended it greatly.

Some fundies have a great sense of humor. My uncle, for one. (To be married to his wife, you need all the mirth you can get.)

But some theists, for whatever reason, seem to only laugh at the lamest of things. I just don’t get what they find funny. Here’s an example from when I was a teen volunteering at a Baptist church landscaping project (for the curious, I was doing it to meet a girl):

Pastor: Hey Churchboy, where did you leave the soda?
Churchboy: It’s in the refreezer.
Pastor: The what?
Churchboy: Uh, I meant the refridgerator!
Pastor: Hey everybody! I have a joke! What do you get when you cross a refridgerator with a freezer?
Everybody: scratches their heads Dunno.
Pastor: A refreezer! HA! Get it?
Everybody: pregnant pause as they try to process this Ah… Ha ha! I get it! Good one!
Me: (Under my breath) Man these people are fucking lame. I’m outa here.

When come back, bring Armageddon.

James Garner, Alan Cumming and French Stewart? Damn, how have I not heard of this before?

Fundies. :smiley: