Goddamn winter fucking driving/asshole drivers

Having lived in Michigan for my entire driving life, I’ve had at least my share of snowy driving. Comes with the territory, ya know. And usually, I just, deal.
BUt lately, what fucking karmic event went down to create this latest assault?

Last Friday, we got a bunch of snow. Now, if it’d been a foot, no one would have gone anywhere. Had it been just a few inches, no problem. But, nooooo, it had to snow 7 fucking inches all fucking day. So, pretty much my entire workday was shitty driving. But it stopped early afternoon, so by the time I was heading home (10 pm) even the rural road I live on was clear pavement. 7 inches on the shoulder, but the lanes were clear. NO problem, right? So I pull into my drive, stop at the end of it to pick up mail, get something out of my trunk, and some asshole SUV driver (it would have to be an SUV, wouldn’t it? not that it mattered, but there it was), having the entire muther fucking road to hisself, pulled into the shoulder, thus spraying me with 7 inches worth of slush. Thanks, ever so.

That batch of crap semi melted off with a thaw, but not totally.
which brings me to today. Another fucking storm, thank you, all day long snow fall, still going on, so far some 7 inches (again), snow called for the rest of tonight, predictions anywhere from 8 to 14 inches. I left work at 3 pm to go 8 miles (south) away, pick some one up, take them another 14 miles east. Took us one and a half fucking hours. White out conditions, ice on pavement, snow/slush/hail on top of that. Left them for the 40 mile trip home.

I swear to fucking god there was a 3 mile stretch that I didn’t even get out of first fucking gear. What the hell. It was a 4 lane road, and in true “office space” tradition, 3 out of the 4 lanes were moving, slowly, but at least moving. Which lane was I in? the one not moving, naturally. I don’t think I ever got over 30 mph the entire trip. 2 fucking hours later, I pull into my driveway.

and it’s supposed to snow 5 out of the next 6 days.

goddamn. I want to talk to the manager.

It took me over 45 minutes to make it one mile up the road eariler tonight. I called work and told them I wasn’t going to make it. Seriously, don’t go out there tonight, it be crazy!

Took me and hour and a half to complete my drive home from work. It usually takes 30 minutes. There were plenty of assholes cutting people off and going way too fast for the unplowed roads.

wring, bless your heart.

I would suggest that you move down here, next door to us.

But if you think people in the frozen North can’t drive, you should see folks here when we get 3 snowflakes.

When I moved to Idaho in August, the out-of-state drivers seemed to be the rudest. The locals were fine, but when I saw somebody driving like an asshole, 9 out of 10 times they had California plates.

Then we got our first serious snowfall.

Now it’s the locals who drive like dicks, and the Californians (as well as most other tourists) are behaving better, probably because they’re scared shitless. This is my first real winter and before I came here I could count the times I’d driven in snow on one hand, but I at least have serious snow tires, and I’m just being very careful.

Jackass in the oversize pickup, kindly get off my ass so you don’t slide into me and no I don’t care if you grew up driving in this there is fucking ice on the road, don’t be a motherfucking assmunching moron!

I lost my almost paid for Mitsubishi when some asshat made my car “trunk-optional”, totalling it out on black fucking ice.

Massholes from massachusetts are the worst drivers. Well, and Rhode Islanders too. But Massholes are worst!

Well, I feel your pain. While lying on the beach today with a nice cooler of Icehouse, I was reading the Palm Beach Post about how cold it was up north. It would have sent a chill through my spine were it not 78 degrees here.

Suntans, beaches, and days off of work. February’s with the family at the beach. The only thing cold is the beer. Oh, yeah, and the pain I feel for you. :wink:

Hijack, sorry: LadyMack, I saw your location–are you and your family okay?

Hijack Back/]

We’re fine, skirted around us. whew
Other places in state pretty bad.

Carry on.

Could be worse. They have signs along two lane Oregon highways which say “Do Not Pass Snowplows On Right.”

Yeah, I got to leave work at 8pm instead of 9pm because of inclement weather.

Which is funny because, by the time I got done scraping all the shit off my car it was 9pm anyways… my hour commute was about the same… slow driving, but less traffic so it balanced out.

I don’t mind driving in it too terribly… as long as I have clear visibility and other drivers are slow too. But when me and 90% of the drivers on the road are doing 45mph in lanes that aren’t even clearly defined because of drifting snow, it pisses me off to no end when people go flying by in the practically non-existent left lane. I’m really glad people are either stupidly overconfident or have excellent traction in their high-powered SUVs or whatever, but it’s fucking disrespectful to drive fast, just because you can, when at any moment someone else could go careening into the next lane. And it pisses me off even fucking MORE when semi trucks fly by in these conditions. This happened at least 3 times on the way home last night.

When I was living in Fl we got snow. What we up here in WI would call flurries - less than an inch of accumulation. The entire town SHUT DOWN. It was crazy.

Up here in WI, things seem to be alright. But, the first snowfall of the year is terrible. It’s like people forget how to drive over the summer. By the end of December, they usually have it figured out though.

How about all the idiots who don’t know that their SUVs are not always in 4WD?

I’ve seen 3 4WD vehicles’ drivers in 3 days with rear wheels spinning madly as they tried to drive over the hard-crusted berms the plows left in front of everyone’s house–no action at all coming from the front wheels.

RTF Owner’s Manual, people!

Of course the height of stupidity was when I encountered a Ford Taurus stuck in a snowdrift, made a U-turn, and encountered another Ford Taurus , got the driver to stop, told him of the other Taurus stuck dead ahead over the next hill, and was promptly blown off by Mr. Know-It-All and his teenage kid.

Being unable to not watch the debacle, I walked to the crest of the hill, and saw Mr. K.I.A.
narrowly miss the first Taurus as he, too became stuck.

2nd Gen K.I.A. got out of the car, waved his arms frantically over his head and hollered for me to help. I said I’d call the Sheriff.

Since it was around 28 above and both K.I.A.'s were dressed appropriately for the weather, my call to the Sheriff’s office was intentionally delayed until I reached work some 45 minutes later.

Better yet, there are the idiots who put their SUVs in 4WD and then proceed to launch themselves down the Long Island Expressway at 65 MPH+ for extended periods. That “Trans Temp” light on the dash is flashing for a reason, people!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

People are that stupid???

Southerners don’t get the thrill of driving on black ice. It is invisible with out a light shining on it. When you get on it ,you have no control. You slide wherever it takes you. You could get in a slowmotion headon accident and not be able to do a thing about it. The fun of driving in the snow and ice.

How do you know they’re locked in?

I regularly dive 50mph in 4x. 50 is the fastest speed limit on the roads that I take to work. By regularly, I mean I use 4x about 150 days a year.

If I run into a dry patch of road, I may put it back in 2x. Depends on a number of factors. Curves (bad for 4x on dry roads), and the likelihood of additional snow and ice coming up.

We ended up w/ close to 9 inches where I live. Crap. And, not only is it supposed to snow 5 out of the next 6 days, at least one of them (from Friday night to Saturday) will involve ‘additional accumulations, up to 5 inches’.

My car’s already skimming the top of the snow in the fucking driveway now. I fucking hate fucking winter.

Total snow fall at the Ski resort where I live - 218 inches. And March is usually our snowiest month. :smiley:

You get used to it. 'Course we are prepared. There’s a loader with a 12 foot blade scraping out our parking lot as I write.