Good movies and music for smoking...?

I am not asking about current illegal drug use at all. A friend and I were talking about music from the past (when we used to smoke pot) and Bob Marley came up as the perfect smoke music. Another friend jumped in and mentioned anything by the Doors as the perfect smoking music.

The subject turned to TV and movies while smoking. It has been over 12 years since I have smoked weed, so I don’t recall even watching TV while smoking at all. But they all said they would watch cartoons.

So, if you have ever smoked pot:

What is your favorite CD/song/artist to listen to while you are high?

What is the best TV show/movie/cartoon?

IMHO, nothing beats Floyd for a good smokeup. Radiohead is great too, especially their weirder post-OKC stuff.

As for TV, I like watching Adult Swim cartoons – particularly The Brak Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Sealab 2021. They have exactly the right kind of humour for my state of mind, and being only 10 minutes apiece and usually having no actual plotline, they don’t require intense concentration.

…well, that’s what I’ve heard from stoners, anyway. :wink:

Pink Floyd is seconded.

Where the Buffalo Roam is the ultimate movie to watch while stoned. And I have no problem admitting that I’ve been stoned before, 'cus I’m in Canada. :smiley:

Damn Canadians, not only can you smoke, but you have good bacon.

If I were ever to smoke pot, I think I’d pop in some Weezer (blue album) or maybe some Cypress Hill, and watch Austin Powers (the first one).

Talking Heads, Jimi Hendrix (obviously), and wierdly Lauryn Hill.

I really enjoy South Park, for some reason the jokes are so much more clear to me. Actually any adult cartoon is fun. America’s Funniest Home Videos is surprisingly entertaining. I dont think the content matters too much. My boyfriend and I have spent 2 hours watching a dog show. Generally they enhance movie viewing, although one caveat…you will not remember Anything that happened! Ive always heard Fantasia (the original) is excellent, but Ive liked that movie since I was a little kid.

Definitely Pink Floyd, but also Smashing Pumpkins and if you want to have some fun with the unsuspecting, pop in Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music.

As for movies, I loved watching any Monty Python, Labyrinth or Kids in the Hall Brain Candy.

What better movie than Up in Smoke.

And I seem to remember an afternoon where the Flintstones were the funniest things ever! Of course, we used to think Sat morning cartoons were a good excuse for recreating…

I remember listening to Radiohead’s The Bends and being amazed at the lyrical content.

With regard to cartoons, don’t underestimate how freaked out The Magic Roundabout can make you. I got in from the nightclub at around 2-30 am one morning and watched an episode while enjoying a particularly potent ‘jazz’ cigarette. Freaked me out for a good hour trying to figure out what was going on.

This book is very funny. It rates movies for stoners. It tells you what are can’t miss and what movies should be avoided at all costs. I think it was the entry for Wizard of Oz that convinced me to buy the book.

Back in the day when I did smoke or possibly do other illegal drugs, these were a few of my favorite things:

What is your favorite CD/song/artist to listen to while you are high?
Meddle, Echoes, Pink Floyd. Really all of Pink Floyd was great however with a second place going to Frank Zappa and the Mothers.

What is the best TV show/movie/cartoon?
TV Show: None
Movie: The Wall, Live at Pompeii and Airplane
Cartoon: Yellow Submarine with a close second to Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland.


Adagio in G minor for Strings and Organ by Tomaso Albinoni.

All the CDs in my collection improve with the addition of hashish to the proceedings. Especially when wearing headphones.

I’ll add myself to the Pink Floyd & Talking Heads aficionados and throw in (some) Led Zeppelin, Steely Dan and Prince.

Platoon and Apocalypse Now are interesting to watch under these conditions.

The nth for Floyd, especially Meddle.

Movies? Hmmm… Barbarella might be pretty cool.


Anything by the Gyutu Monks. Or any Dave Holland solo stuff. Or Pierre Boulez’ “Dialogue de l’Ombre Double”.

I’ve never had the chance to actually test the theory, but recollections from my smokier days give me cause to believe that Green Carnation’s “Light of Day, Day of Darkness,” and any of In the Woods… post-black albums would be just fantastic in the right state of mind. I know from experience that they’re pretty damn fantastic when you’re buzzed on alcohol…

Been there, done that, it was!


Also for me, certain hip-hop albums, particularly Mos Def. As for movies, my favorites are Finding Nemo and Alice in Wonderland :smiley:

My favorite music to listen to was Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here album with all the scratches and pops that the record got from straining our stash through it.

Favorite movie–I am with the cartoon people, but the original Heavy Metal was one of my favorites. (Am I showing my age with these two comments.)

Sgt Schwartz

Back in highschool when my friends and I indulged in this particular habit, we didn’t watch or listen to much. Whatever was on was background noise. We usually played Uno or Lunch Money. If we did watch something, it was usually a funny movie or stand up comedy. It was more of a social activity like drinking for us.