Good Omens 2 is coming (It is here and all episodes are available 2023-07-28) season 3 coming

Yeah, I never got a romantic vibe from them. More BFFs / brotherly love. Taking it further, I never got any sexual vibe from either of them one way or the other. Both characters seemed asexual to me.

Yes, me too.

Correct. That is why he never will.

I loved the fez business. I really wanted Tennant to say “Fezzes are cool.”

There was a lot of little Doctor references.

I have now watched all of the season, and I disagree. Do you have examples?

Here is where I disagree.

Right. “My particular Friend” as they used to say, someone trusted and close. And even a couple in that Plantonic sexless way

I’m going to repeat my question. I love John Finnemore, but really don’t have five hours to catch up on Season One. I know the premise (and the first chapter of the book)… can I jump in with s2ep1?

Also agree but then again they bicker like old marrieds …

Can. A few things that context makes clear. But FWIW I’d do S1 if I was going to do just one.

I will repeat my answer. You can jump right into season 2, but if you only have time for one single season, I would recommend season 1.

I do appreciate your answering earlier.

But, again, I’m watching it for John Finnemore’s writing. That’s Season (Sorry, “Series”) Two only.

I would highly highly recommend Season 1 before Season 2. You may be able to follow S2 without S1, but a lot of things would be pretty confusing at first.

Yes, go ahead. It’s not that big of a deal. Watch Season 2.

I didn’t notice any difference in writing style. I expect he adapted his style to match the first season.

You can absolutely just watch season 2, but it may not be what you’re expecting. I also would think that watching season 1 first would make season 2 more enjoyable. If watching season 1 ended up being a slog that you didn’t enjoy, you also wouldn’t enjoy season 2.

The “seasons” are very short, you can easily watch S1 in two nites.

Aziraphale specifically states that he has a plan, but it makes Crowley happy to save him. I didn’t really think of them as a romantic couple, and I don’t think Crowley did either, until Nina said they were obviously romantically involved. Then the wheels started turning. Although I’d’ve been happy for them just to be friends, the end of S2 broke my heart.


So apparently there may be a season 3, and if there isn’t, Neil Gaiman will write a novel instead.

There’s a clip somewhere of Tennant talking about how Sheen plays Aziraphale to be simultaneously brilliant and naive. The character clings to the illusion of the fundamental goodness of people, purpose to the universe and the benevolence of the Ineffable Plan in the face of massive evidence to the contrary. This leads to him doing spectacularly stupid things in the belief that everything will turn out alright. Which it sometimes does, often because Crowley is willing to get his hands dirty (or clean) to make it so.

It’s noteworthy that the “minisodes” are largely focused on moral shades of grey - God contracting Satan to destroy Job’s family, livestock etc, the whole resurrectionist/advancing medical science thing, and so forth. Heaven and Hell are still so focused on absolutes regardless of the casualties those positions cause. A&C have been the defenders of the middle ground, and we now start to see other couples in the same space (the mirroring of their relationship and views by the two women - who are both much more self-aware - was a nice touch).

Also a lot of Terry Pratchett references - off the top of my head, a Discworld book is fluttered briefly in scene, the bottle of laudanum contained the name of C.M.O.T. Dibbler, and the book “Jim” is sorting that starts “It was a nice day” was in fact Good Omens itself.

Also the Seamstresses as a euphemism, and at one point Crowley is clearly meant to represent a Feegle.

Maybe, but I can’t think of any brilliance he showed in the second season. He mainly just stumbled along until Crowley pointed him in the right direction.

Just finished (and I’m devastated, of course).

As far as their relationship, I always believed them to be special to one another in a way that didn’t have to be romantic, but could also encompass that.

Now Beelzebub and Gabriel, I did not see that coming! I quite liked Beez toward the beginning of the season, she was so eerie.