Google is a pervert

Not that I would waste my time doing this, but…um, a friend - yeah a friend pointed this out to me. “He” called it a fun and interesting time waster. Of course, I haven’t tried it, but thought I’d pass it on anyway. Goes like this:

  1. Go to Google Image Search

  2. Disable Safe Search

  3. Type in any female first name.

  4. See how many search results down you get the first, well, the first…um, the first, well you know - naughty picture.
    We MUST protect ourselves from the Evil that is Google!

Won’t someone think of the children?

“Won’t someone think of the children?”

They did - it’s called “SafeSearch”, which you disabled.

I tried “Hermione”, and the first few pages are all safe pictures (mostly of some actor called Emma Watson, who doesn’t appear to do porn). So not all female names lead you to “naughty pictures”.

Please to re-enable “sarcasm”
Yeah, I know not ALL names work. As my “friend” just found about with “Penny” Whole lot of pictures of copper Abe Lincolns.

Still, I thought it kind of funny that so many are hitting these pictures that they’re so far up on the search results.

I thought Google ranking depended more on how many links there are to a page (or picture) than on how many people view it. (If “view” or “click on” is what you meant by “hit”.)

It is not the fault of Google. What you are seeing are the pernicious effects of the most dangerous and morally destructive drug ever known to mankind: Testosterone.

It really should be regulated . . .

It works for guys, too - I got two porn pictures on the first page searching for “Kevin”.

I’m at work, but are there any hits for Agnes, Gertrude, or Millie?

Mille: First page, blond girl in pigtails, bent over. Seems to have lost her undies, and is pointing where they would be.


PatriotGrrrl That’s what I meant, but I’m sure I was wrong. I thought it did have to do with hits on the page, not links TO it. Ignorance fought successfully today, eh?

I tried Susan and as of page 11 no naughty bits yet

Really? I’ve got a topless Susan Sarandon on the very first page. Is that naughty enough?

Ugh … in 1997, back when we all used Yahoo, because that was all that there was, I searched for Madeline. I wanted the doll, you know, the little French girl, afraid of nothing, get’s her appendix taken out? It was for my friend’s little girl who was about to undergo surgery herself. Ugh. The results I got, on a shared computer, at work, for typing in a female name. Yesh. It was then I knew, the internet as source of info was always going to be tainted with pr0n.

It was about that time I was doing Archie, or perhaps Jughead searches, we could still do those, back then, for buffers. Simple, pH buffers, that a chemist would use. Hmm… what’s this designation, MOTSS? What could it be? Ohh … members of the same sex, and buffers in this case means dental dams and such … great, another great search at work.

For Agnes, there is a fully nude girl on the first page standing outside pulling her hair with both hands, and another girl squatting with no pants and a red nightie-looking thing falling off of her as she pulls down some guys’ pants.

For Gertrude, nothing much except for a girl in a pink bustier on the second page.

Someone else already covered Millie.

Wow. So you really have no idea why Emma Watson came up when you searched that name? I’d never even HEARD of the name Hermione before I saw J.K. Rowling being interviewed after the release of Goblet of Fire, explaining how to pronounce the name.

I figured I’d try some stereotypical gay porn star names… the first picture for Lance was not what I expected…

My first name gets me a nudie pic for the very first image and various hardcore things further down page 1 (none of them me, obviously). Apparently I share a name with quite a number of “actresses” and “models”. Using my first name and last name pushes the porn back to page 4; I’ve got quite a number of homonyms, including a jewelry designer and a basketball player. Using my full name pulls the porn back up to page 2 (doesn’t help that my middle name is a euphemism for a certain unspeakable body part). Putting quotes around it gives no matches.

They do exist, though.

Hermione’s Britney/Lohan caused quite the uproar a few months back.

:smiley: Love that description.
ps. In fact, I think I’ll go and help her look!

Oddly enough, Janet doesn’t lead to anything you couldn’t find in a Cosmo magazine until page 3.

Aside from a topless girl on page 2, Matilda has no pr0n at all for at least 15 pages.

Pollyanna has pr0n on page 3.