Google Maps Pac-Man game

Google Maps has added a button that turns any street map into a playable Pac-Man game. No idea how long it’s going to be here.

Well, there goes the rest of my day.

Very cool.
Thanks, Tom!

It’s already April Fools Day on the other side of the International Date Line. :slight_smile:

Paris. Anywhere in Paris is effing evil as a Pacman game…

Try 29.982334, -90.118297 and scroll up a bit to capture the entire loop.

Note. Pac-man is best using 90 degree angles. 5 and 6 point intersections are a bitch.

Is it really over now, or is it just a problem on my end? The actual holiday just started in the U.S., so turning it off this early would seem stupid

Got it working. I had to zoom out. My monitor is at 1024px width, so I guess it has to be bigger than that.

Works for me.

I could never get the game to work.

It’s pretty effing evil as a network of roads people are expected to drive on without crashing into each other or getting hopelessly lost, too. Also as a geographical location where one has to find a fucking parking space.
