What’s the syntax for searching the boards via Google?
If I want to search for a specific phrase, how do I input the search? Something along the lines of:
sdmb: “search phrase”
Little help?
What’s the syntax for searching the boards via Google?
If I want to search for a specific phrase, how do I input the search? Something along the lines of:
sdmb: “search phrase”
Little help?
“phrase here” site:boards.straightdope.com/sdmb
Thank you.
All you really need is “phrase here” site:straightdope.com if you don’t mind the very occasional column in the results.
Or, instead of “remembering” what to do each time, use the advanced page:
Ironically, searching google for “search sdmb with Google” brings up this very useful thread, which has now been incorporated into the FAQ.
The results are the same, but I’ve found it far easier to reverse the order:
site:straightdope.com keywords
SDMB is pretty much the only site I specifically search, so whenever I want to do a search, it’ll autocomplete for me.