Go to Google Maps.
Click on the get directions tab.
Enter “Rivendell” for (A) and “Mordor” for (B).
Click on the little walking person icon for walking directions.
Bah, it’s giving me directions from some town named Rivendell in Oklahoma to Mordor Lane in my city, even if I don’t give it more than “Rivendell” and “Mordor.” Wonder if it’s because Google knows who/where I am.
Mind you, I’m kind of surprised there’s a Mordor Ln in my town. Middle of a subdivision with no other strange-looking names that I see. Mind you, it’s a North Dallas suburb, one does not walk anywhere around here.
For me, step 237 was “Kayak across the Pacific Ocean.”
Steps 15 and 28 are just ordinary. What were they for you?
I would have thought more of our resident Tolkien denizens would have gotten a chuckle from the Mordor quote. Which, by the way, also works if you enter “The Shire” as point of departure.