Google yourself.

There three times as myself (two links to a piece I wrote for my university’s newsletter & one to an article in the student newspaper; I was quoted), once as a woman from Sacramento who married a Joseph Torres on January 4th of this year.

Google brings up an article I wrote, a book I co-wrote and a presentation I did at a conference recently. Then there are geneaology results and lots of sports results for someone who has my surname and my middle name.

::snorts:: makes it look I actually have a life or something.

Wow, I have a son I didn’t know about who has been elected for some college senator program representing arts and science. (I’m so proud!)
In 2000 I was the president of a new lake association and worked with the DNR.
I seem to be a pretty popular volleyball player. (funny I did play in high school)
I work at a planetarium somewhere. (not too much info there, but cool, something I’ve always been interested in!)
Okay, this one is scary! It’s a group of high school students in FFA and the girl does resemble me! And, she is in Iowa!
Found a whole family tree that has alot of the same names as my family but none of them are us. Also in Iowa.
The Iowa stuff in a way suprises me since the last name was rare around here until about five years ago.
I also found lots of stuff in german which doesn’t suprise me since that is where the surname came from. Although I was suprised to find it in it’s changed form instead of the original which I am told is a town there.
Married name comes up with nothing.
The thing that bothered me the most about the whole deal is that google tried to correct my name! I have been dealing with people trying to correct my name for as long as I can remember. They always want to drop the e from the end.
I dunno, it just kind of irked me to see “Did you mean Kristin?” If I would have meant Kristin I would have typed Kristin!

I have two different names, both entirely unique.[ul]
[li]I find articles I’ve written on aquarium maintenance[/li][li]references to my knitting teaching and the hats I used to design[/li][li]music reviews I’ve written[/li][li]press releases about my new job[/li][li]contact number still up from my last job[/li][li]a copy of an old resume[/li][li]a quote in a newspaper article when the mall I was in was under siege from a hostage taker[/li][li]an acknowledgment on a friend’s website[/li][/ul]

I’m an optometrist, a NAvy SEAL who’s MIA, a VP of Asset Management, the designer of something called an LX4, an arborist who recently won a lifetime achievement award from the International Society of Arborculture, a reviewer of surge supressors and toner cartridges at, and a 10K runner.

Uh, yeah, right. Looks like I’ve been successful at staying incognito. :wink:

I don’t know what’s worse, that there are twelve links to “me” or that all twelve really are me! Most of them are in reference to my ferretry, so it’s understandable.

I’ve done this before, but what the heck.

Since my name’s fairly common, here are my results.

Without quotes.

With quotes.


Oh, and I should mention that I own the Google search results for Flamsterette and Flamsterette_X. :smiley:

(looking through certain of these results, I’m not so sure that’s so good… eh well)


I seem to have an opera written about me! By the great Rimsky-Korsakov hisself, no less.

Apparently my wedding photos are up. Who knew? Not me.

I’m about 5 different hockey players, including a pro goalie. Which is kinda funny since that’s what I wanted to be when I was a kid.

Of course, my name is so common I had to put in my hometown, too and go in 3 pages to find something that was actually me.

I show up on various briefs and court appearences, as well as participation in the CBA and speaking engagements, all of which I’m familiar with. But I also:

  • am a player with the Peebleshire Spartans Football Club in Scotland, and last spring helped to defeat the Peebleshire Rovers;

  • am on a list of typical family names in Ayrshire, Scotland;

  • was christened on the Isle of Okney, Scotland, on December 5, 1828;

  • play with the Niagra Brass Band (I’m not sure what instrument); and,

  • back in 1968 was the Galashiels Braw Lad at school in Galashiels, Scotland, and just the other day attended a reunion with me mates at Kingsknowes Hotel, Galashiels.

(Yes, both my first name and my family name are very Scottish - why do you ask?)