Google's doodle today will obviously recognize D-Day, right? Wrong. It's about drive-ins.

NM, scooped.

Oh, please. You’ve been a member how long?

I was just stating my opinion, just as you were.

I can’t help it if I am passionate about Veterans.

And yeah… “Too much is too much and too much is not enough”----- Popeye The Sailor

Remember the Maine!!

No one said anything about passion for veterans being a bad thing.

But you’re picking through my words and not really defending your argument. I don’t NEED rhethoric! TELL me I’m wrong and convince me!


Already happened… You’re wrong because a google cartoon cheapens the gravity of what happened on those beaches. WWII vets are generally well respected and appreciated,and (generally) have been since 1945. Google is not a real logical target for your outrage.

Fuck the Maine! Remeber the Alamo Beer company!

And Prorcrustus: Sorry, but I can’t SEE a damn thing your sick brain is writing. Hopefully some smart cop will lock your sick ass up soon.


Be careful when putting those two sentences next to each other–your keyboard may implode.
About the OP, some of us don’t have a fetish about military things, nor a need to drone on about how much we respect veterans. Not that I have a particular issue with witnessing on behalf of veterans or wars fought, but expecting anyone else to is presumptuous and as noted upthread, absolutely arbitrary and capricious–as is your moral outrage at someone placing minimal value on something you hold so dear.

I know a website that can help you find out if there’s a big WWII memorial…

If by “very nice” you mean “a bloated, horrid eyesore that completely ruined the beautiful sightlines and aesthetic harmony of the National Mall.”

Each to his own, i guess.


We’re arguing about people who saved our lives???

Sorry, but since I stumbled in here, what are you guys smoking, or don’t you know about the two World Wars?

Sounds like you don’t and don’t give a shit.


Context, from Wiki:

There were other places to have put it; this was an unfortunate mistake.

This reminds me a little like the “controversy” about Obama’s flag pin.

I think people care very much, and because they care they believe a Google doodle would actually be disrespectful to those servicemen.

You can disagree with if Google is a good place to honor those men, but I hope you can see that their position comes from respect, not disrespect.

No we’re not. We’re arguing about google’s decision to ignore D-day on its doodle page. Something much less significant, wouldn’t you say?

No, we’re arguing about someone else’s standing to get their panties in a bunch because someone else doesn’t put sufficient emphasis on their pet.

It’s funny to lump WWI and Viet Nam in there. Why did we fight WWI again? What great evil was defeated? Viet Nam? What a waste of life. People dragged in against their will to die for someone else’s chess game, or joined up based in part on a web of lies and jingoistic mis-marketing. No, wait, Graneda. There was an action that… no. Iraq? No, not that one either. Do we go back in time to 1812? What about the Mex/Am war?

In general (see what I did there), maybe it would help to distinguish between not giving any shits at all, and not giving a shit beyond the same shit given for park rangers, the guy who has to clean up roadkill, the folks who work at animal shelters that have to dispose of abandoned pets, the … well, the list goes on.

The world in general would be a much better place if people didn’t give so much of a shit about putting veterans on a pedestal.

Go piss up a rope, you stupid old douchebag.

The fact that some people don’t care very much whether a web company puts a meaningless widget on its website has nothing to do with more general feelings about the wars, or about the people who served in them.

Here are the things i support when it comes to our veterans (and to our current military, for that matter):

Decent pay.
Good health care, both in terms of prevention and treatment.
Mental health care, especially after combat service.
Housing assistance.
Support for their families.

I know a bunch of current and former service men and women, and i’ll bet that every one of them would prefer the things i’ve listed above to a fucking widget on Google.

World War II ended over 60 years ago, and we’ve spent much of that last 60+ talking about how awesome the veterans are. Ask anyone what “The Greatest Generation” means, and they’ll probably be well aware that it refers to those people. There are multiple national holidays devoted to the military, and you can’t turn around during a political campaign without some self-serving politician blowing smoke up the military’s collective ass.

To argue that veterans of the World Wars have somehow been neglected in American culture and politics takes a particular sort of stupidity or blindness.

Lolcats? It’s lolcats isn’t it? I bet it’s lolcats.