Got a good undelete program?

Tell me about it! Looking for one that is either free or not expensive, can work on a Windows 8 computer operating like Windows 7, and can undelete files from a USB drive to the computer’s hard drive.


I just used **Recuva **to un-delete some stuff from an SD card and restore it to my computer. Hopefully it works for you too!

Is there a file size limit for Recuva?

Haven’t used one in a while, but you may find something of interest at Gizmo’s

I’m not affiliated with that site, btw - but I’ve used it a bit over the years and I find it trustworthy.

Zero Assumption Recovery has always served me well in the past - I think it’s non-free if you want to retrieve things other than images.

getdataback is a godsend. An amazing program. I’ve used it to recover computer data, camera memory sticks, and USB drives.