GoT(HBO version): What happened to Gendry?

You know, Robert Baratheon’s bastard son? Mellisanre was using him and then …
well we don’t know? It is such a huge plot line that got the Chuck Cunningham treatment.

After Melisandre took some of Gendry’s blood for creepy magical purposes, Ser Davos let him out of the dungeons in Dragonstone and put him in a rowboat so he could get back to King’s Landing. That’s the last we’ve seen of him.

He got lucky - he got out alive.

Well, We’ve got an answer from the horse’s mouth (via twitter)

While we’re asking, is Edmure Tully still in Walder Frey’s dungeon?

Is Rickon still on walkabout with Osha?

Since we’ve had no updates (like: They died, eaten by undead weavils.) we should probably assume their situation is fairly unchanged. The Freys did wait for Edmure to leave the room before the slaughter, it would be incredibly anticlimactic if Rickon and and Osha just froze to death off-screen, and Gendry is in the place he knew best how to survive in, with everyone else worrying about other things than old king Robert’s still surviving bastards.

Damn you! I came in here to post that!