So, I’m guessing the bloom is off the relationship between Jon and Ygritte.
The scene with Daenerys seemed utterly gratuitous. That is, just thrown in so people will know what’s up with Daenerys. Didn’t really advance the story at all.
If the red witch is so good at foreseeing the future, why didn’t she foresee her kingsblood supply being allowed to escape, hmmmm?
Re: Tyrion’s protest: Marital rape seems a fairly advanced concept for Westoros. WE didn’t make it illegal in most states until the 1980s.
Wonder what Varys’ real reason was for trying to send away Tyrion’s mistress? Not sure I buy his explanation.
The bloom might be off the rose, but we got one final, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” Although with less contempt than previously. And a couple of “Hodors.”
Agreed. I mean, didn’t they establish all that in the previous episode? (Or at least, it could be inferred?)
Zing! Nice one. And true, really.
I think a season finale should build to a climax that keeps people on the edges of their seats. The Red Wedding would have been a good place to take a break. (Well, as if anytime is a good place for a break in this series!) Tonight’s show just seemed like more moving-pieces-into-places.
It seems the show has a tradition now of ending each season on a triumphant scene with Dany and her dragons. I’m not complaining.
It’s hard to care too much about Theon or to get very excited about his sister’s quest to save him because, well, they’re all a bunch of assholes anyway.
I liked that we finally got some intersection between the stories of Sam, Brann, and Jon. And, whoah! Ygritte is pissed!
I was so hoping Joffrey would go too far with Tywin and pay the ultimate price. Maybe a little too much nightshade in his sleeping tonic?
I would watch a whole show of Arya and the Hound roaming the countryside and kicking ass.