Game of Thrones 3.03 "Walk of Punishment" 4/14/13 No Book Spoilers

3.01 Valar Dohaeris
3.02 Dark Wings, Dark Words

This is the episode discussion thread that pretends the books don’t exist. This is the thread with open spoilers for the books.

Fuck you HBOGO.

And my satellite craps out right during the whores scene…

Hahaha, the juxtaposition of Jaime losing his hand and the cut to that jaunty tune was amazing.

Snarky Kong, what did HBOGO do?

Everyone will be talking about the comedy in the pyre scene, the small council scene, and Pod and the whores, but the funniest scene of all was Brienne busting Jaime’s chops about beating him in a fight as they were both bound to a horse. Genius.

I dunno, Bronn calling Littlefinger “lord twat beard” is pretty dang funny.

Just had a hard time with the load. I just finished the episode and was trying since 9.

EXCELLENT fucking episode! I did not see Jamie’s loss coming. The plot just keeps moving in all sorts of interesting ways. I like the way the one interrupted rape scene was followed by a second interrupted rape scene. There was also a kind of connection there with the kid getting rewarded with sex by Tyrion. I’m so fucking glad I have resisted the temptation to read the books. Surprises every week. Woo-hoo!

I can’t believe Dany would give up one of her dragons for any reason. As she has said, they are her children. I’m thinking she must have some ploy in mind. Maybe she will order her new army to turn against the man who sold them to her. Or maybe she’s counting on the dragon being too much for anyone else to handle–first chance it gets it breaks free and wings it back to be at her side.

I concur. I predict a buttload of whoop-ass for the slavers.

That’s my assumption. I think she might take over Astapor.

I’d have to imagine Dany is planning something to get her dragon back. Once the unsullied are bound to her, and she leaves Astapor, they’re hers. So if she can find a way to recall her dragon, and it simply breaks free and finds her, she ends up having both.

Noticed a parallel for what Tyrion did for Pod. Jaime bought Tyrion a whore under false pretenses to get him laid for the first time, and Tyrion (I assume) paid the whores beforehand to reject Pod’s payment and play like he was worthwhile without payment in order to boost his ego. You’d think Tyrion would understand the dangers of a naïve boy thinking whores liked him for real. Not quite the same situation I suppose, but it got me thinking.

I was sad to see Gilly back on our show. Sam and Gilly are by far the most boring characters and I dread wasting screen time on them.

I think Tyrion also did that to see just how trustworthy Pod was. Pod gave him the money back rather than pocketing it, after all. If that wasn’t Tyrion’s intent, the knowledge he gained from it was still a nice side effect.

I was happy they finally addressed that shadow demon. I’ve been wondering since he first appeared, strolled into an enemy camp undetected and killed Renly, why they don’t just use him to kill everybody. If they mentioned it on the show since he first appeared, I certainly missed it.

So, evidently it’s a “one-time-use” demon? That’s ok I guess, I just want to understand the rules. Sounds like there’s more to come on this storyline.

I laughed really hard at Melisandre’s expression when Stannis said so ardently, “Nevermind the shadow baby, I just want to bone you so hard,” (paraphrased), and her face was so eloquently, “Aww, hey . . . buddy . . . I really value your [del]friendship[/del] prophesied role as avatar of my god.”

I figured the whore thing was set up by Tyrion to pump up Pod’s confidence, which seems to be severely lacking.

Stannis “better luck seducing his horse” Baratheon wanted to bone a chick?

I found it really really difficult to feel sorry for Theon during the attempted rape scene. Am I a bad person.

I think that particular quote referred to the very gay king who got killed by the shadow demon, who is not around this season, being dead and all.

No, Theon earned everything bad that has happened to him, in spades. I do think there may be a tendency to enjoy his suffering because he’s one of the few bad guys who is actually getting his comeuppance. I had figured Jaime to get through it all unscathed. Then again, despite his rottenness, Jaime has some good elements: he does not lack for physical courage and resourcefulness. And to be fair, Theon was kind of set up for his current circumstances by his background, so there is SOME basis for sympathy. It’s just that all of his choices have been so wrong.

It was. I’m saying it’s notable that Tyrion’s first time was set up by Jaime, also using whores under false pretenses (although the pretenses were quite different - in Tyrion’s case she faked being a non-whore that was interested in him, whereas in Pod’s case the whores were faking just how genuinely interested they were), and I just thought it was odd that Tyrion would pick that scenario given his history with it.