Got my first tattoo!!

So, yeah. I officially got some ink done this evening, rather spur of the moment and all of that. It’s quite tiny and tasteful, I wanted to stay away from anything that made much of a statement, as my views are wont to change rapidly and without warning. As such, I got a little, smiling sun on my ankle. He’s very cute, and very cheerful, and is easily concealed with a sock. Seemed like the best way to go, something that wouldn’t be an issue when I didn’t want it to be.



P.S. - How to mention this to the parents?

hey congrats… did you find it painful?, dont forget to put that creme or whatever i cant remember what it is that goes over it …is it aloe on it while its scabbing. I dont know how you’d tell them, mine just saw it one day but it wasnt a secret that i’d be getting one. A sun is cute. I remember that model with the sun around her navel, kinda cool.

Congratulations! How about a pic?

I got one in December and I haven’t told my parents. Never going to, either. I’m 35.

I got one in November, and have yet to tell the 'rents. Probably will not tell my mom…not until I live by myself at least.

I want a tattoo!!! Just can’t figure out what to get. Something small and not plain view but that makes a statement about me. I do know where I’m putting it on the small of my back. (The small of the back is one of the few places on the body that doesn’t sag much as a body ages and as such will maintain the original shape of the tattoo.) Yes I’ve given this some thought. I want it to be original and have tried to come up with a design of my own but alas I’m still without a tattoo idea.
I knew what I would get if my heart was ever broken by a love but that’s not gonna happen now. Anyone ever read The Crying Heart Tattoo by David Martin? Very good, very funny story. The cover art of the book is of the tattoo.
So any suggestions for me? Oh, and I don’t have to worry about the parents.

Congratulations - that is awesome!

Welcome to the club! I didn’t tell my parents when I got my first tattoo; I just let them find out on their own.

Ha! My mom DROVE me to get mine! :slight_smile:

We didn’t tell Grandma, but she eventually found out. She was moderately horrified, but didn’t say much.

I got my first tattoo for my 35th birthday - finally told my parents on my 40th birthday, when I got my 2nd. Since the first is in a place that’s always covered up, that’s not such a big deal. The 2nd is an ankle bracelet with quarter moons & 3 crystal balls. That’s a little more obvious, and they picked up on that one right away.

I took my son when he wanted to get his first tattoo, because I wanted it done by the best artist around, and wanted it to be a good experience for him. Parents will usually pitch a fit at first, until something else comes along to divert their attention, so don’t worry about them.

Congratulations! Did you enjoy having it done? I must be a bit of a masochist, because I enjoy the whole tattooing bit best. I had my second one done for my birthday last week - a black dragon going down my spine, and I love it! Still a bit itchy though, hope yours heals nice and quickly - and a picture would be great.

I didn’t tell my mum, just waited until she saw it accidentally - she was fine about it though. I used Savlon while it was scabbing over, and now it’s almost healed I’m putting Vitamin E oil on it every day.

Did you mention the idea to them on previous occasions? When I got my navel pierced, I tried to work it casually into a phone conversation, a few days before I was supposed to go home for a visit. “Hey, Mom, remember how I was thinking about getting my navel pierced…?” That way, they had time to adjust to the idea.

Trying to answer everyone’s questions:

When the guy started drawing the outline, I thought “Heh, not bad at all. What a stud I am.” Then he got down to coloring it in. Oh dear. I didn’t exclaim at any point, but I did have to bite my lip and look around the place to distract myself. I got some sympathetic glances from people who were browsing designs (I should point out that SXSW music festival is going on right now, so all the tattoo places downtown are staying open late and doing booming business from people walking in off the street).

As for care, I’m applying a 60% aloe vera cream to the little bugger every few hours, the tattoo artist said the main thing was to keep it from getting all dried out, and to be sure to put lotion on it regularly if I was going to wear a sock. The best part is, when I rub lotion on him, he looks like he’s really enjoying it! Makes it a very satisfying thing to do.

As far as parents are concerned, no, I’ve never mentioned it, but I think it’ll be a big deal briefly and then they’ll just get used to it. It helps that it’s very small and cute and tasteful and easily concealed. If I went out and got a big skull with a swastika on it tattooed on my forearm, then they might get really pissed. I sort of always knew I’d end up getting at least one, so I left it out when mentioning my new 18-year-old rights (as of the end of January), and therefore did not give them a chance to expressly forbid it.

I’m getting some conflicting information on the ol’ internet regarding care. Some places say to apply antibiotic creams (bacitracin, neosporin), others say that those are no good for healing, but to use them if you fear you are developing an infection. Some places say to use aloe products, others say specifically NOT to use aloe products. I’m thinking I should probably pick up some bacitracin and use it as a precaution, in addition to my moisturizing. Any advice, veterans?


P.S. - I’ll look in to posting pics, but with my current setup that would involve filming it, connecting to the puter, getting vidcaps and then posting them. Oi.

If you are ever in question as to what to do, go back to the place you got it and as the guy who did it for you. They will always know what is best, because they always get people coming back saying “My friend told me to do this and now my bunch of grapes on my arm has morphed into a giant California Grape” and they have to set them down and say “Okay, you shouldn’t have done that, this is what you should have done…”.
So if you don’t know about the bactine/aloe/lotion deal, just drive back one day and ask, they won’t mind.

That should be “ask” not as.

You’re right, there’s a lot of conflicting information about care. I’ve heard some say that aloe products can possibly suck the ink out of your skin, due to their amazing powers of cleansing. But I had used aloe cream on a couple of tattoos before hearing that, and didn’t have any problem.

I never used antibiotics on mine, but I suppose I would have if there had been any infection. The stuff I liked best is called Lubriderm, though I may have the spelling wrong. It’s light and non-greasy. But I agree, ask the artist who did the work.

By the way, my parents don’t know about most of my tattoos. They saw the first one (I think I was 21), but in my 30s I added a lot more. The parents are old and easily shocked, and I don’t like to upset them.

Well, I went ahead and switched brands from my aloe-based lotion over to a different kind. Maybe tomorrow I’ll pick up some antiseptic stuff just so I feel like I’m all protected. I’m paranoid about it, man. A couple people have asked me if I’ve regretted it yet. I tell them that it’s been less than 24 hours, and to ask me again in 24 years. Yikes! :eek:

Heh. I love it.


My parents are going to pay for mine. If I wait until I’m twenty-one, and go to the best artist around (both my parents got theirs at this place, reputed to be the most excellent tattoo parlor in the city), then I won’t have to pay a thing.

It will be an alethiometer. Google-Image-Search it. I have a picture, but I don’t know how to get on the board.

It’s going to be wonderful.

I used bactricin every time. That’s what the artists gave me, so that’s what I used.

With the first two I was “LOOK MOM!”, which was not a very good thing (despite the fact I was 25, not living with them, bore a child, etc etc-- it was one more thing to add to the “Let’s Disappoint Mom” chart)

When I had one of the first tats redone, I didn’t say anything and I don’t think she ever noticed.

With the last one I didn’t say anything, but the huge slab of gauze sticking out from the back of my shirt kinda gave it away.

The only thing that has annoyed me about my newest one (I tossed a pic up in a tat thread here somewhere) is that people, for some unknown reason, feel the need to touch it. ~blech~

My sister managed to keep hers a secret from my parents for two years, until the night before her wedding when she bent over the couch for something and you could see the small of her back. They mildly freaked out. I’ve never gotten one, because I could never find one that I thought I’d like years down the line, but the idea of a smiling sun appeals to me. Maybe I’ll copy your on my shoulder, Lucki.