Grantchester has jumped the shark (here be spoilers)

@Chefguy did y’all continue hate-watching Grantchester through last night’s season finale?

What a shambles. What a dog’s breakfast. What a crazy quilt of characters, plot twists, and themes. Not just tonight, but the whole season. Proposing to the reporter because she’s the only woman for miles? Geordie having his MIL committed, FFS. Will’s good friend turns out to be a pedo? And Will abandons the young man who was victimized–even though he’s homeless after his mom (blaming the kid) kicks him out? Then Will shows up at his mom’s house in white tie, drunk, and embarrasses himself and her. And 'splain to me why Leonard invited his dad to stay? Bad and utterly pointless idea. So do the denizens of the vicarage know about Leonard or not? It seems like a Don’t ask don’t tell setup but then Mrs. C invited Leonard’s boyfriend and introduces him as Will’s friend. Turns out Leonard’s dad was probably gay, too–didn’t see that one coming (much).

But next is where Grantchester jumps the shark.

It’s a fuck that pulls Will out of his funk. Yeah, Will goes to bed with the Mother Superior who’s not even a real nun. Under that wimple she has luxurious, shoulder-length blond hair. She actually runs a battered women’s shelter where everyone dresses like nuns, and gets away with the charade, because she has an “arrangement” with the local parish priest. :exploding_head: And in one night, Will is healed! His head (the big one and the little one)-- both are finally screwed on straight! Geordie spots it immediately, “You’ve had sex!” Will apologizes to his mother, patches things up with the reporter. So glad this episode didn’t end in the traditional way, with a sermon.

Makes me long nostalgically for Sidney’s moods, alcoholism, and promiscuity. Not to mention his great hair. Will looks like a chia pet.

Holy crap! Sounds like they pulled out all the memes and created some new ones. We quit watching after episode 2 I think. I caved in and subscribed to CBS All Access so we could watch The Good Fight, which, while completely (and intentionally) over the top and largely implausible, is at least fun to watch.

I think we’ll tackle Pride and Prejudice on Hulu next. At least Colin Firth is watchable.

I watched the first couple of seasons of The Good Fight until it got really strange. Haven’t checked in this season.

I subscribed to CBS All Access so I can watch the original Perry Mason. Check out season one. It’s fascinating. Not so much the stories as the culture, the backgrounds, the clothes, the cars, the street scenes.

Onnnn topic (insert ‘raised eyebrow of doom’ here)…

I agree 100% with the OP.

But I’m so glad that when we suddenly had Will foisted on us*, the other supporting characters didn’t change. If there’s ever a series featuring Geordie the Copper, I’d pay to watch that.

*our generation had to pretend not to notice a new Darrin Stevens (AND a new Mrs. Kravitz), and now a new Grantchester lead. Is it any wonder we have “trusting the powers that be” issues?

Jumped the shark indeed. Mrs. C and I liked the first two seasons but thought the Priest/Married Woman love story was aggravating and unrealistic. I quit watching after what’s his name decided to remain a frustrated priest. With the revamped cast it was instantly obvious the shark had been jumped. I forced myself to watch the most recent episode with wifey, and we both agreed that the series has been dumbed down into unwatchable ridiculousness, almost insultingly stupid.
The only reason Mrs. C forces herself to watch is because she adores the actor who plays Geordie, who had always been our reason for watching.
Yes it has gotten unbelievably bad.

Double ditto.

Robson Green has been in several series, but the one that left an indelible mark on me was Wire in the Blood. Green has quite an impressive thespian pedigree.

“Mason” is on HBO. :slight_smile:

If you thought “Good Fight” was strange in the first two seasons, it gets far stranger.

Yeah, but that’s a different animal. We’ve discussed it here. I don’t get HBO anyway.