Great minds: Help with tattoo wording

The background: I have parallel horizontal scars on the inside of my arm, about three-four inches above my wrist, both are about two inches long. Scar one is due to a slip of a case cutter years ago and scar two is a screwdriver slip a few years ago; both are a bit keloided/white and when I get the slightest bit of sun they are more prominent.

They “problem” – which isn’t really a problem, but an opportunity because I’ve wanted a cool and creative small tattoo in this area – is that many people think the scars are due to suicide attempts (dumb ones, since they are horizontal cuts, but the case cutter one was quite a geyser). My lovely and concerned young niece did a gentle “are you a cutter? Are these suicide attempts?” inquiry during this vacation and I realized the time is now.

So, I’m thinking about getting a little cartoon/stylized power saw between the scars with the power cord cut in half by the blade (with teeny flames indicating so).

Continuing . . . (crappy inflight wifi) . . .

. . . and making little dashes along the two scars to indicate that the saw went off course. I’m also known for tool and other odd accidents, so people who know me will really get it.

So I’m thinking about doing a few words along the lines of “Bad with saw” or something. I thought the “I came, I saw, I (something)” in Latin could be clever, but I don’t know how or if that would work.


I am opinionated about tattoos, so take this only for what it’s worth: In my opinion, a visible tattoo that is not self-evident is a mistake. I think anything a stranger wouldn’t understand in under a quarter of a second should be hidden. Unless you enjoy explaining over and over again.

I can’t help but note that this is a perfect chance to fill in blanks with that tattoo that Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow had in GI JOE.

Some folks get the reference, others think you’re really into I Ching hexagrams.

I’m not convinced this tattooed “explanation joke” will work. I suspect that people will still just think you’re were a cutter or suicidal, and now making a joke about it.

‘Measure once, cut twice’?

( ok, ok, I am going)

Scars are cool, especially honestly earned ones? There’s no way an afterthought of a silly, jokey tattoo would be appropriate. If you like tattoos, get a nice big tattoo somewhere else. As for the “problem” of what people think, it’s really none of their business, is it?

I wouldn’t go for something “jokey” (it seems to me that would get very old/unfunny very fast), but rather would work with an artist whose work you really like to come up with something creative that covers/works around/hides the scars - good luck!

How about “NOT SUICIDE ATTEMPT”. ALthough to save letters and cost, instead of “NOT” you could just put an “X”, which I think would convey the same message.

Those two marks could bracket a pretty great ‘hourglass’ tattoo.

He’s already stuck with the scars, which he has to explain over and over again…

I’m sure you’ve considered this, so what are the options for just plain covering the scars with a tattoo, at which point you could get anything you wanted?

Add more lines and make it like sheet music notation, Y’know?

You could use your favourite song maybe, or keep them guessing!

FWIW, if you insist on starting with scars, I would go for further scarification. Mixing scars and tattoos will clash.

Make it look like a shark tried to bite your arm off. Make up a wildly improbably story about it.

“Wait, did — did someone carve a ‘Z’ in your arm?”
“Yeah, I pulled a gun on Antonio Banderas.”
“Oh, see, that’s a bad move.”

I know - just in my opinion it’s silly to choose to make it MORE confusing.

Ha! I have a shark tattoo on my bicep (ca.1990) commemorating surviving a near-drowning (of me, not an actual shark). So this one will be about surviving other sharp things.

It’s actually for me, but I don’t mind explaining if someone asks – friends will get it immediately.

OMG, this might just be it!

I’m going for celebrating the scars, not cover (attempting to cover keloids generally makes them worse).

The humor is for me and I’m not making a statement about folks who are cutters/suicidal. I’m 51yo, have had scar keloiding and cystic acne for 40 years and this is a way I want to own the scars and be proud that I work with my hands and brain (and, I guess, celebrate being clumsy but willing to keep learning how to handle sharp tools).

And if my teeny tattoo catches an eye and opens up a conversation with a stranger or one of my students, then cool be it. I’ve been self destructive in ways not written on my skin and I’m honored to hear other hoomins stories.