Greatest Kung Fu film you've ever seen.

Hey. Last Sunday (the 13th) Fox in my area showed this absolutely horrific Jackie Chan kung fu film. It was the worst damn movie I ever saw. And yes, I watched the whole thing; it was like a car wreck. But that got me wondering, is there a “greatest” kung fu film ever made? I’ve seen my share, but I want to see more. What do think?

Hey, if it ain’t broke, give ME a shot at it.

I think the greatest Kung-Fu movie ever made is “manhattan kicks it to MPSIMS, Part XVIII.”

Livin’ on Tums, vitamin E and Rogaine

Five Fingers of Death
and Lady Kung Fu.
Memories of my misspent youth

Hey. I was considering putting this question on the “Great Debates” board. It demands equal bandwidth. This question is up there with the likes of: “Questions on Creationism,” “Nature/Nurture arguments,” and “How can I tell if the chicken Mcnugget is white meat or dark meat before actually bitting into it?”

Oh, and Five Fingers of Death totally kicked ass. Good movie.

Hey, if it ain’t broke, give ME a shot at it.

I haven’t seen many, but I’ve always liked “The Crippled Masters”. A man with no arms teams up with a man with no legs to defeat a kung fu master. Great stuff!

Crippled Masters is decent but kinda nauseating.

I preferred Master of the Flying Guillotine, Flying Daggers, and both Drunken Master movies. There’s several good Jet Li movies but I can’t remember any of the names of em.

I’m waiting for someone to say “Gymkata”.

I gotta second The Crippled Masters. That’s talent.

If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.
-Albert Einstein

I love the Kung Fu short in Kentucky Fried Movie:wink:

OMG! I can’t believe someone else knows Master of the Flying Guillotine! I always try to tell people about that movie. Haven’t seen it in years, but now that I know the name of it…

“I’ve got a DungeonMaster’s guide, I’ve got a twelve-sided die, I’ve got Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too, waiting there for me, yes I do.”
Weezer-In the Garage

I’ve never heard of Master of the Flying Guillotine, but I’m laughing my ass off. I can’t say the name without having to bite my tongue. And, personally, I have yet to find a kung fu film that can compete with Drunken Master 2. That fight scene at the end with the guy that only uses kicks… awesome. Some people say that Fist of Legend by Jet Li is pretty good, but I’ve never seen it. “Master of the Flying Guillotine.” That’s funny as hell. I’m going on amazon to see if they’re selling it…

For Jackie Chan, * Final Mission Fantasy* or whatever it is called (something like that) has to be the greatest and worst Kung Fu film ever. It has every genre of film in it which includes but is not limited to the following: Western, Musical, Post-Apocolyptic Car Warriors, Amazon Women, Haunted Houses, Viet Nam War movie, Cheesy Kung Fu, and many more that I can not think to mention right now. It was truly bad but in an entertaining way.

The best Kung Fu movie that I have seen was a Shanghai kung fu movie called The Storm Riders. It was awesome. It was probably the only truly good Kung Fu film that I have ever seen. I am not talking cheese here. Look here for trailers and other information. The link may load slowly. It is very cool and has a story with universal appeal.


I’m not argumentative, just right. -Me :wink:

Democritus, sometimes Master of the Flying Guillotine is sold as One Armed Boxer vs. The Flying Guillotine or something similar to it. For those that haven’t seen it, I recommend it as it features most of the characters from the Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat games (SF and MK ripped off Raiden, Sagat, et. al. from this movie) and the flying guillotine is awesome.

Was I the only one bothered by Crippled Masters (The movie that is, not the actual crippled masters)? The guy w/o legs was pretty good but the armless guy had a funky finger-like appendage that disturbed me.

I’m sorry, but The Matrix.

The guy that coordinated the fight scenes in The Matrix also did everything in Drunken Master 2. In fact, that scene at the end of The Matrix where Neo does that thing with his leg (lifts it over his head, and places it on the floor), came directly from the last scene in DM 2; the bad guy at the end does the exact same thing. A standing one-legged split. It was awesome.

Hey, if it ain’t broke, give ME a shot at it.

The Matrix? Pfagh. Doesn’t qualify; not enough martial arts. And even if it did qualify, there are much better movies out there.

Enter The Dragon is among the most historically-significant, so it deserves consideration. It was the flagship film of what became the first massive influx of martial arts chopsockie films into the US.

A personal favorite among the low-budget high-action Hong Kong films is Super Ninjas. That film has some of the craziest stuff in it I’ve ever seen, and the combat is purty-near wall-to-wall. Well worth a look, even though much of it is laughable.

Jackie Chan movies, at least those following Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu, are generally very good. They actually have stories, and the fight choreography is second-to-none. The question of which fight scene is his most creative is debatable, but my personal favorite is the final fight atop the building near the end of Who Am I? Very fast, very cool.

I don’t think we’re gonna even bring up Rudy Ray Moore and Dolemite…

Go to my Stormriders link above. It truly was an awesome movie.


I’m not argumentative, just right. -Me :wink:

My fave is Return of the Master Killer

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

As a big Jackie Chan fan, I have to nominate the final fight scene in Wheels on Meals. Strange title, great fight. Rumor has it that Chan and the American fighter were really pissed off at each other, and threw some connected punches apart from the planned choreography.

As mentioned, both Drunken Masters were very good movies for this genre.

Over a weekend a few months ago, I rented a pile of old/new kung fu movies. Watched eight or nine of them with some friends. They all kinda ran together, though. One of them I want to watch again. It was aJackie Chan. Towards the end, he fights a guy who threw almost exclusively kicks. Lightning fast, remarkably flexible. I think they were on a building top. Oh, and the guy was white, not Asian.

Justin “I had punching sound effects in my head for a week” Sexton

JSexton, that would be the rooftop fight scene at the end of Who Am I? that MaxTorque mentioned. I also liked the clog fighting scene in that film.

What about the Wu-Tang Clan films? I think that I’ve only seen one of them: Old Dirty Strikes Again, or something like that. I know that the films were a series. Does anyone know about them? Thanks.

Hey, if it ain’t broke, give ME a shot at it.