Greatly relieved that the pube-shaving trend is abating

I won’t enjoy the view if it’s bald. Some things are meant to be covered up.

A-fucking-MEN to that.

I think this thread could use a soundtrack. How about Amanda Palmer’s “Map of Tasmania”? :smiley:

Hardwood floor, runner rug, it’s all good. But I’ll pass on the 70s mega-bush.

My estranged wife used to shave her pubic region, and in fact felt “unkempt” if she didn’t.

She also wanted me to shave mine. I’ve done that once, when I got the vasectomy, and that was enough. <shudder>

I’m a woman, and I shave almost all of it off, except a little Hitler at the top. I don’t get itchy when it grows back, and I love the silky feeling when it’s freshly shaved - there’s a lot more surface area to touch and rub, and a lot more nerve endings not hidden by hair.

Now, I’m sure it would depend on how much hair a woman has. If I stopped shaving for a few months, I would look like I was smuggling a Wookie down there. My hair is dark, thick, and grows from about 5 inches below my belly button to about half way down my inner thigh. Ugh.

I also prefer shaved porn. I look at hairy bush, and just think of all the fluids getting stuck in there…blurghhhh…

Can’t argue with YMMV on individual desires.

Male here.

Women may feel free to do whatever they want to with their own bodies- tattoo, don’t tattoo, pierce, don’t pierce, shave, don’t shave, bleach, color, whatever they like to do.

However, yes, I have a preference.

Just like some women have a preference for men who shave their beards, and for, surprisingly enough, similar reasons.

Don’t like a face full of thick, coarse hair? Don’t like little stray hairs getting in your mouth? Don’t like the hot and sweaty feeling? Don’t like how the little hairs tend to attract moisture and lint and dirt? Well, some ladies prefer a man to shave that stuff off, so they have a nice clean face to kiss. Or maybe manly stubble. But the point is, there’s not a big giant mess on the man’s face come lovin’ time.

So, what interest could a man or a woman have in “her” area being shaved?

It’s quite simple.

If you are just a walkin’ around town, working, playing, shopping, resting, relaxing, or straight lovemaking, I don’t care what you do with it, provided it’s not like a massive bushy jungle which looks weird. That’s the aesthetic aspect.

But if you would like me to put my mouth in your genital area, and give you a thoroughly pleasurable experience, I have to breathe.

When I breathe, under those circumstances, and I’m going to get a little graphic here, boys and girls, the situation calls for rather rapid inhaling and then a long time of holding one’s breath, then exhaling.

In order, to, you know… do a good job.


This is men’s work. The lungs need air, then there’s not going to be a whole lot of it for a while. Helps you concentrate and achieve the thing which I am assisting you in achieving.

Well, during those short, rapid intakes of breath spaced far apart, sometimes, a little tiny curly piece of hair is amid the bushes. And she is not attached to the body, like the others. Hair does tend to detach, you know.

And she tends to get sucked right into the Air Intake Valve, causing not a bad taste in one’s mouth, but a horrendous gag reflex which instantly stops all oral-related activities and ends the romance for until however long it takes for the coughing to stop, which …

Last time it happened? Was over 2 hours.


You do what you like with your va-jay-jay and the pubes that grow along it, lovely though they may be, I do not want to accidentally breathe one in.

Perhaps this is not a problem for some couples, wherein perhaps the female trims up quite nicely (but really, it is those LITTLE tiny hairs which are the most dangerous, regarding what I was just talking about) or perhaps the man does the thing where he basically just sticks out his tongue like he’s licking a frog he doesn’t want to lick, you know, not really doing a decent job of it…

Whatever- if no shave works for your couple, more power to you.

But the women that I have romanced tended to enjoy what I do, and I enjoy what I do, but I can’t enjoy it while gagging on a little tiny hair I accidentally sucked up.

That’s the long and the short of it, no pun intended.

Ah, but Askthepizzaguy, what about men? Aren’t their areas also coarse and hairy?

Yes, and I have never had a problem reciprocating (or not) with the hair removal, and it is a quite involved process for a guy. The razor blade was not meant for the male anatomy, that is for certain. And yet I’ll spend the good 45 minutes it takes to do a proper job of it, if she wants.

It is not a selfish man thing, as I make no demands, and will reciprocate. It’s just that if you want *proper *oral sex from me, you’ll clear the forest of the trees so I can lay out the picnic blanket, see? If you want to pass, I’ll also pass. It’s fine.

It is not a thing where I lust after underaged women, which I have no idea where that silly notion came from. Just ass-pulled nonsense from people who perhaps don’t understand why anyone would want to shave pubes and who want to denigrate those who do. Pre-pubescent girls do not have nice breasts and shapely asses. Not to be too judgy, but… If your “femininity” is defined solely by your pubic hair, then I just feel sorry for you. A man can be masculine without a beard, and he doesn’t look like a little boy when he shaves it off. Defining a woman by her bush is just as bizarre to me.

People have their own preferences. If you have no issues with pubic hair, have at it. I don’t think any less of people who don’t do it, nor do I think my needs are the same as everyone else’s.

But whenever this debate pops up, I do note a tone of frustration and judgment on the part of people who hate it when *others *shave themselves… which seems odd to me.

As long as no one is feeling compelled to do something they don’t want to do, I don’t see the problem with any preference.

It’s certainly not some kind of a *fashion *statement for me or the women I am with. Who is going to see it besides the two of us?

It’s purely for the feel of it (for her) as I’ve gotten feedback from many women who have tried both and prefer the feel of being shaved. And for playtime in the bedroom (for me) for the above mentioned reasons.

Yeah, there will be a day where it’s too short, but just long enough to be a little irritating. Just like stubble on a man’s face. Yup, goes with the territory of shaving. If you shave properly, it greatly lessens the irritation involved. If it’s really bothersome you’re doing it wrong. Don’t rush the job, don’t use a dull razor, use hot water and clean the area when you’re done, and for god’s sake, let it air dry. Moisture on freshly shaved area is a breeding ground for bacteria which causes irritation. Shave and make sure it’s washed and dried properly, don’t rush the process. Take your time with these things.

If you’re going to do something, do it right. This idea is not lost on me. This is why oral sex can get kind of involved and gaspy-for-air. You know?

Kay, TMI session over. TL;DR no one reads it anyway.

Presumably all those insisting on “natural” women also insist on hairy legs and armpits. I mean, you wouldn’t want her to look pre-pubescent, right?

Personally, I think female pubic hair looks sexy as long as it’s not completely overgrown. Having to pick hairs out of your mouth doesn’t do much for the mood, though.

:smack: uhh, I meant eyeLASHES. Yeesh.

When you really, really get down to it - does a man with a clean-shaven face look pre-pubescent? Should all guys look like Robin Williams in Jumanji? That would be the “natural” look. No, it’s just a cultural thing that we’re used to. We should all be free to arrange our hairy places the way we want them.

That’s funny:)

I’ve seen old silent era movies where the actresses had their eyebrows shaven and a couple of dainty lines drawn in their place. It’s eerie.

I see plenty of those in real life.

Some folks have minimal itchiness, so it’s not a problem.

And laser does wonders.

Live in south Florida and that’s nearly all you see- people have shaved off their brows and penciled/tattooed in these weird thin lines. Whenever I see it I can’t stop staring.

First thing you have to know is that I married a Mad Scientist. Seriously, he’s an inventor, has several patents, his own workshop/laboratory… (regrettably, this is not as lucrative as the movies would have you believe though we’ve had some good years in the past and hope to have some in the future).

There is a certain irony in that the day before he’d been on my case for insufficient footwear in the workshop.

Well, it gets hot in there in the summer, and he’s never been a big fan of clothing (he conforms to public standards in public but I suspect he’d happily run around nude all the time if he could get away with it). So, I wasn’t there and never got the full story, but it was either while soldering (which I doubt - molten solder might result in localized spots but not a widespread brushfire) or the propane torch (much more likely for a rapid flashover that takes out the hair and leaves the skin intact).

Result was a clear-cut forest and something like a mild sunburn effect.

He now wears bluejeans at all times in the workshop.

More or less the same reason I wear at least a shirt when frying bacon.

Perhaps not as interesting or as exciting a story as you hoped for, but there it is.

The problem is, it’s not exactly an easy area to shave. I mean, it’s one thing to cut your legs while shaving. Your girlie bits? AH!!! Waxing isn’t exactly comfortable either, not to mention expensive. (Lasers? Are you willing to pay for it?) So I’ll trim and groom so I look good in a bathing suit, but I don’t do well with pain. Until they come up with a nair-type product that’s safe to use on your vag, I’ll stick with keeping things nice and neat, but not totally bare. Cuz I’m a wuss.

I’ve never heard of anyone shaving their eyelashes either. If you have, that’s seriously weird. (And scary!)

Possibly NSFW unless you’re a Pink Floyd roadie

I do like “Euro” armpits, and legs also if not too furry.

Body hair isn’t the only thing that distinguishes the two visually. Women have curves; breasts & hips that girls don’t. I’m pretty sure most people could correctly identify between them by looking at a silhouette.