Ralph Nader’s stated goal during the 2000 campaign was to play spoiler and throw the election to Bush, with the assumption that this would energize leftist and progressive thought and action, which was without a doubt waning in the face of Clinton’s successful “Third Way” push. (Although Clinton was more liberal than the archetypal New Democrat.)
But here’s the thing – the plan worked, Bush is in the big chair, civil rights are being shredded, ten of thousands of people are being incarcerated, deported, and persecuted because of their race, the U.S. is building an execution chamber at Gitmo, thousands – probably tens of thousands – of Iraqis have lost their lives in a war based on “intelligence” reports that were faked, plagarized, and the result of pressure from the top down, the social safety net (already gutted in 1996) is being decimated to provide a tax cut which will be all but unnoticable to everyone but the richest 20%, privacy is a thing of the past, the economy is in a shambles, and the “Justice” Department has spent thousands redecorating because John Ashcroft is so bedazzled by breasts – even inanimate ones – that he can’t make a speech in the same room as them. Like I said – the plan worked.
But no one’s noticed.
There is, I am sure, some slight increase in the constituencies of left-leaning groups such as the ACLU, but the majority of the U.S. populace is perfectly happy with the way things are going. Bush has a majority-positive approval rating, most people of voting age think we actually have found WMD’s in Iraq, and meanwhile Runsfeld and Wolfowitz are starting to make noise about taking out Iran next – even though, unlike Iraq which had to comply with UN resolutions, there’s no reason why an Iranian arms program justifies attacking them.
The country is headed straight down the tubes – which is what Nader wanted – but it has so far failed to energize the left in any significant way, and it’s only going to get worse.
We’re in a time of crisis. It’s time to close ranks. You may not like Gephart or Edwards – myself, I’m voting for Dean – but whoever is up against Bush a year and a half from now, please vote for him – even if it’s Kerry. shudder Because if Bush gets another four years (and then what? Cheney? Ashcroft? Frist?), he’s going to do damage to our nation and our planet that it will take decades to fix. We have to stop the bleeding – once that’s done we can fix the problems with the left in this country, and I admit they are many – but letting Bush have another four years, that’s a true catastrophe. Even were such a thing actually effective in energizing the left, it’d be tough to justify, but we’ve seen in the last year that it’s NOT effective.
Do what you can for your candidate today, but in November, please, vote for the guy who can win – whoever that is. We can’t take much more of this.