
I agree with all the problems here, but in a choice between Once upon a Time and Grimm, I’m voting for Grimm hands down. I think it has a lot of potential and I’m willing to invest a few more episodes to see where it goes.

Aha! I thought I saw an Alice in Wonderland picture in the book. That was really weird. I thought the acting of the evil witch (as the evil witch) was pretty bad. And her reasoning didn’t make sense to me. So, is “our” world supposed to be the only place evil can win–is that what she means?

As for Grimm, the asian cop was a distractingly bad actor . . . but I enjoyed the pilot regardless. I enjoyed the Big Good Wolf although I thought he was kind of hokey. And I wish they would follow police procedurals better, as already mentioned. He should have gotten punished for kicking down some stranger’s door. And I’d like to know in what world they felt they had to kill the evil postman just because he was running away.

If they had to shoot, why not in the legs? Or why not chase him down? And it was the partner who shot (as far as I can remember), so he had nothing to feel super threatened about because he didn’t know what the bad guy really was. All he did was crash into the partner. I know it wrapped it up neatly that nobody would ever find out he was a Blutbad, but, OK, the whole shooting in the back really bothered me.

No, Morbo was talking about the first attacker with the scythe. That one was a justified shooting. The second one was pretty flimsy.

I really wanted to like Grimm. I’ll give it a shot, but so far, Terra Nova had more promise on the basis of the pilots alone, and look how that turned out.

Yeah, I meant the second shooting, but I forgot the non-injuring scythe was the first one.

I guess I’m still confused, then. You said he got away with it because they later found out that “he was a bad guy”. But that really only applies to the first guy, with the scythe. The second guy literally had the missing girl in his basement. He was the guy they were hunting. Granted, the chain of how they knew it was him is going to be murky, but there’s no doubt that he was actively committing the crime they were investigating.

One point I forgot to mention earlier that was unclear to me. The cops linked Blutbad to the two crimes because of his boot pattern. We see him in his cabin contemplating his boot. Later, when the cops search the cabin, they can’t find the boots.

How did he know to get rid of them?

The same thought went through my head. How many times have we seen the story: “Gasp, I’m dying. Before I go I need to tell you about the thousand year old curse on our family that I have never mentioned to you in our 30 years together. You will die a horrible death if you don’t …”

The line the women uses, “there is so much you don’t know”, had me screaming at the TV. Why are you just mentioning this!

somewhat answered in the context of the show - She wasn’t sure that the ‘curse’ had been passed on to him - and like most good folks - thought she had more time before passing it on.

I assume she wouldn’t want to reveal this if he couldn’t actively use the information.

what the hell she would have done if he didnt have the curse - that trailer would have been all kinds of mystery to him. (title of his first book - “My Aunt, Serial Killer”.)

Nope: like I said above, “She knew that he’d get the family abilities at the time of her death. She’d been seriously ill – and known it – for months before she finally came to talk to him, so I’m in the ‘WTF’ camp on this one.”

The not-telling-him-sooner thing didn’t make a blip with me, but I have cancer, and I can see her thinking “I have one more treatment to try. I’m not giving up yet.” And I’m sure I’m reading too much into a dumb tv show, but I could see where the realization that this was the end hit her abruptly.

“I have one more treatment to try… but just in case I should probably see if he’s developed these powers so I can warn him. Or not.”

I was wrong - just re-watched the scene in question - she thought she had more time - 2 things she said

1.) Sometimes when I mean to do things I think I already have (said in the kitchen)
2.) This is all happening much faster then I thought it would (said on the street just before the attack).

Oh, I’m probably the one who’s confused.

I’m also confused! :slight_smile:

My German is rusty…but wouldn’t Blutbad translate as Blood Bathroom?

Bloodbath, according to Wiktionary.

… and the correct plural would be “Blutbäder”, not “Blutbaden”, nevermind that “Blutbad” sounds weird to a German speaker when applied as a name for a species.

“Hexenbiest” would be “witch beast”, although “Biest”, when applied to females is often used to mean “bitch” rather than “beast”.

Seems like there’s a mixed reaction to this show. Even though this thread is titled “Pilot,” there’s probably not enough interest for a weekly thread for each episode, so we’ll end up continuing discussion about tonight’s episode here.

At the beginning of the episode, our hero ID’d blonde monster as trying to make partner. At the end she got into a car with a guy in a suit, presumably the Big Bad. Does Wolfram and Hart have a new Portland office?

The guy in the suit was Grimm’s boss (the Police Captain).

Now I feel like an idiot that I didn’t recognize him.

Don’t feel too bad. I just saw it ten minutes ago and I missed it too. I really ought to start paying attention to stuff.