1 War of the Worlds
2 Anaconda
3 Farenheit 451?
4 Harry Potter
5 No idea
6 Lord of the Rings
7 Not sure
8 The Matrix
9 ???
10 Spiderman
11 ???
12 The Terminator
13 Star Wars
OK so I have no idea what 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and 15 are but considering I don’t read Russian I think that pretty good. But number 4 is pretty damn funny.
I think 14 might be The Empire Strikes Back…what with the missing hand and the light saber and Chewbacca (who is offering vodka and pickles, how Russian).
1. War of the Worlds
2. Anaconda
3. Fahrenheit 451
4. Harry Potter
5. Lethal Weapon? 48 Hours? The Karate Kid? no idea really
6. Lord of the Rings
7. Peter Pan?
8. The Matrix
9. Brother Bear?
10. Spider Man
11. Weekend at Bernie’s
12. The Terminator
13. Mission Impossible?
14. The Empire Strikes Back
15. Dances With Wolves? The Wild Angels? The Hustler? no idea