One word movie clues

The rules are simple. You think of a movie and then you think of a one word clue so people can guess the title. But the clue can’t be a word in the title, the name of a character, or a variation of the above.

Try to use spoilers to hide your guesses. Add more clues for more movies.

1 arena
2 chariot
3 chocolates
4 emerald
5 force
6 iceberg
7 inconceivable
8 jury
9 lobotomy
10 mafia
11 monolith
12 petals
13 plastics
14 pornstar
15 redrum
16 rosebud
17 royale
18 schwing
19 shark
20 shower
21 strawberries
22 supercalifragalisticexpealidocious
23 toga
24 unobtanium
25 velociraptor

1 arena - Gladiator
2 chariot - Ben Hur
3 chocolates - Forest Gump
4 emerald
5 force - Star Wars
6 iceberg - Titanic
7 inconceivable - The Princess Bride
8 jury - 12 Angry Men
9 lobotomy - Sucker Punch or One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
10 mafia - The Godfather
11 monolith - 2001: A Space Odyssey
12 petals - American Beauty
13 plastics - The Graduate
14 pornstar - Boogie Nights
15 redrum
16 rosebud - Citizen Kane
17 royale - Pulp Fiction
18 schwing - Wayne’s World
19 shark - Jaws
20 shower - Psycho
21 strawberries - Fearless
22 supercalifragalisticexpealidocious - Mary Poppins
23 toga - Animal House
24 unobtanium - Avatar
25 velociraptor - Jurassic Park

I think I did okay, but I missed two.

26 boulder
27 disco
28 umbrella

Looks like you got almost all of them, Professor.

15 redrum - The Shining
26 boulder - Raiders of the Lost Ark?
27 disco - Saturday Night Fever
28 umbrella - Singin’ in the Rain

29 motorcycles
30 piano

Well, you got my three right, Thin Ice.

[spoiler]1 arena – Miracle
2 chariot – Ben Hur
3 chocolates – Forrest Gump
4 emerald – The Wizard of Oz
5 force – Star Wars
6 iceberg – One of the Titanic movies
7 inconceivable
8 jury – 12 Angry Men
9 lobotomy – One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest
10 mafia == The Godfather
11 monolith – 2001
12 petals – Broken Blossoms
13 plastics – The Graduate
14 pornstar – Deep Throat
15 redrum – The Shining
16 rosebud – Citizen Kane
17 royale – Pulp Fiction
18 schwing
19 shark – Jaws
20 shower – Psycho
21 strawberries – Tess of the D’Urbervilles
22 supercalifragalisticexpealidocious – Mary Poppins
23 toga – Animal House
24 unobtanium – Avatar
25 velociraptor – Jurassic Park

26 boulder – Raiders of the Lost Ark
27 disco – Saturday Night Fever or Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
28 umbrella – Singin’ in the Rain

29 motorcycles – Easy Rider
30 piano – Casablanca[/spoiler]

31 Klan
32 transformation
33 machinenmentsch

31 Klan - Missisippi Burning
32 transformation - Transformers/The Fly
33 machinenmentsch - Metropolis

34 - Peanut-butter

Correct on Metropolis, wrong on the other two.

31 Klan

Birth of a Nation

Prof. Pepperwinkle got most of mine right, but skipped two and guessed wrong on two. Of course, that could be as much the fault of my clues as his guesses. Thin Ice got all three of Prof. Pepperwinkle’s and one of the ones he had missed. So the three of mine that are still alive are:

4 emerald
12 petals
21 strawberries

Maybe instead of “transformation” for the other one, I should have said “potion.”

RivkahChaya got my two right.

36 Prom
37 Mister

I took some guesses at these, and I admit the latter two were kind of stabs in the dark, but I was serious about the first one: “emerald” isn’t The Wizard of Oz?
Oh, duh-- is “petals” It’s a Wonderful Life?

36 Prom CarrieDon’t know about the others. I would guess that 35 is Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, except it’s capitalized.

Sorry. I missed your guess on that one. You got it and petals right.

For transformation, I’m guessingDr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

A few more:

38 Alamo
39 eleven
40 inspector
41 cubicle
42 liger
43 pillows
44 pod
45 replicant

In the Heat of the Night

  1. liger - Napoleon dynamite

  2. replicant - Blade Runner

  3. 42

Rivkah, you got 36 Prom right, but SPEAKER is not Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
Little Nemo, you got 37 Mister right.

40 Dirty Harry
44 Invasion of the Body Snatchers

35 SPEAKER is still in play, and a new one:

  1. 76
