Guess Who James Brown's Attorney Is

Strom Thurmond Jr. Whoda thunkit?

What a wild and wacky world we live in!

Hmmm, I just learned (to my surprise) from **Eve ** in another thread that once the Senior is dead, there is no Junior desgination anymore.

That’s almost as weird as Howard Stern being Anna Nicole Smith’s lawyer!

I don’t know why you’d be surprised. Strom Thurmond loved black people. Some he loved more than others.

‘Principled’ racism is out of style for most people. The color that matters is green.

Yes, but he already had his business cards, yellow page ad layout and office sign made up with the “Junior” prior to his dad’s passing so he’s going to keep using it. :smiley:

The love that dare not speak its name? KIDDING!

Yeah, I know about the ‘love child.’ I also make no assumptions about Thurmond’s son. For all I know he may be a sterling champion for civil rights. Mainly, I am struck by the irony of the juxtaposition of those two names. I grew up in the sixties, listening to pop music, and remember very well the first time I heard JB. DAMN! I thought. What is *this *shit? And where can I get some more of it?

That was way before Senior’s “conversion” from a Dixiecrat to a Democrat.

And still the time when ‘nigger music’ was reviled in the South (except for Beach Music - those guys were ‘safe’) and mamas didn’t want their baby girls to do none of that nasty dancin’ and shit.