Guided By Voices f'in rocks!!!

Guided By Voices. Yet another band I can’tbelieve I didn’t see in a bar or even listen to in the 80s. What was I thinking!?!?? After seeing a thread on them/him here, I bought Bee Thousand, which I’ve been meaning to do since reading about it in “The Rolling Stones Critics’ Picks of… [when was it? 1988??.. Aaaahhhhhhh!! I waited WAY too long]”. Then, I picked up Earthquake Glue. OMG. This stuff is AWESOME!!! They sound psychedelic sometimes, at times like full-on punk, always creative and distinctive. Wow.

Any GBV fans out there? Talk to me. What CDs should I buy next? I heard that GBV is breaking up this year after a farewell tour… any Dopers (esp. Ohio ones!!)planning to see them one last time?? Also, any GBV reviews or stories would be welcomed. Please join me in my fresh admiration of a band I should’ve discovered a long time ago!

It would hardly seem to matter if Guided By Voices were breaking up or not – I mean, the band is essentially Robert Pollard and whomever he chooses to invite, so if he doesn’t feel like using the GBV name, he’ll just continue merrily along with his voluminous solo output.

Damn straight — I mean I understood this, but… I guess the “farewell tour” idea was posted just to see if there are any local Dopers who would want to go to one of their concerts!! No one I know is a GBV fan, or a fan of any of most of my other favorite rock bands - Grandaddy, Sparklehorse, Mercury Rev, etc. I guess I’m just soliciting for fellow concert goers to ride along/meet there/get beer beforhand/afterwards sort of thing.

Earthquake Glue is an incredible record–one of their best, IMHO. If you dug that, Bee Thousand, Vampire on Titus, and Alien Lanes are the records to get. Especially Alien Lanes. “Motor Away” is one of my favorite songs of all times.

Hell, Yea I’d see them in a heartbeat. They got any shows in Dayton or other nearby cities coming up?

Listenin’ to Glad Girls, right now.
They got some pretty cool tshirts at kung fu nation