Not so much a pitting, but I didn’t want to continue a hijack of this thread:
Well, I can name message boards where the first 10 responses would ignore the question and be about how Glocks totally suck, NYC sucks, Laws that give LEOs special rights suck, Obama sucks, liberals suck, Democrats suck, Reagan is a saint, .40 S&W is inferior to .45ACP, etc. etc. possibly not in that order, which would derail the thread, and he’d never get an answer to his question.
While the off topic responses in this thread were quite predictable as well, at least they were effectively moderated and useful information was conveyed. Gun related message boards do have a number of knowledgeable folks but the signal to noise ratio is extreme mostly because many users are not able to distinguish between facts and their own opinions. In the referenced thread, a few Dopers seem to suffer from the same confusion. Thanks mods.
Any and all comments on the referenced thread are welcome here, and fuck fuck fuck.
Please…the OP never wanted an actual answer, he just wanted to troll it up.
Ask yourself this, if you were a LEO, which the OP says he is, where would you go for factual information on gun laws in a different state? Maybe call a law enforcement agency in that state? Visit a law enforcement website from that state?
Nope, the OP would go down to the Dope and talk about what he can do with his big cock…sorry, Glock.
If I could predict stocks as well as I predicted the response to my OP, I’d give that fellow in Omaha a run for his money…But thanks for putting your tiresome predictable response here in the pit instead of the GQ thread.
3:20:59 or bust: It seems that you are taking a priori a “bad-faith” view of pk, and his motives for posting/asking his question.
For instance, he may have asked his superiors, and received confusing/contradictory answers.
He may have called NYC’s police dept., and been shuffled/transfered from one desk to another before being hung up on.
Or he may have started here in order to “ask around” abd build a consensus.
I recommended The High Road gun forum, but, as Kevbo rightly poiints out, the s/n ratio on most gun forums is pretty bad (though THR mods. do a pretty good job of keeping their respective forums straight and on-topic).
In any case, pk’s a dues-paid member of this message board. Assuming it is content appropriate and in the correct forum, he can ask whatever the fuck question he wants to.
I bolded your fail. The OP didn’t ask about the law, he asked about current practice.
If you aren’t smart enough to understand what people are saying, maybe you should find some other way to spend your time–messageboards don’t appear to be your thing.
The OP didn’t ask any questions about the law. He linked to the relevant law. What he asked was whether anyone had experience flying into NYC with a gun.
There was a lot of trolling in that thread, but not by the OP.
Actually I now have been on 4 boards and have not gotten a clear answer.
I also asked a sheriffs deputy I know that was in New York City in July, but he did not take any guns with him as he was going to fly to London, England after spending 4 day s in NYC.
I know what the law is, I’m just wondering if I can expect any hassles at the airport regardless of the law. Perhaps I should have put it in IMHO instead.
But if my intent were to troll, why on Earth would I do so with this subject? I more expected these kind of viscous attacks regarding my Obama thread over in Elections, or my Jesus Christ thread over in Debates. I, admittedly, made some bold statements in both. But I never expected to be flamed over this. I am perplexed to say the least.
In all likelihood, pkbites and I probably see eye-to-eye on very few things. But he asked a perfectly reasonable question.
To those who think a straightforward question about how gun laws are applied constitutes trollery, I suggest that you get your panties adjusted. There’s been plenty of gun-related questions on this board before, so it isn’t a taboo subject. Calm the fuck down, and if you don’t have an answer to the factual question, shut your pie holes.
I didn’t want to hijack the other thread, but I think Colibri’s moderation of the thread was very much appropriate. It’s unfortunate there were so many people posting knee-jerk anti-gun responses to make any of it necessary. I’m not a gun owner and have no dog in this fight, but I believe in the right of a properly certified peace officer to carry a weapon anywhere it is legally possible for him to do so. I also trust he has the training and experience to know when to use it safely and when to leave it in his holster. pkbites asked a perfectly legitimate question, and I agree the amount of flaming he received for it is absolutely outrageous, especially for the GQ forum.
Wow - I consider myself a pretty dyed-in-the-wool gun control advocate, but the pissing and moaning in that thread was ridiculous. pkbites had a very valid question (“I know what the law says, but what can I expect in practice, as a cop carrying a gun into NYC?”), but it some folks saw “gun” and latched onto that like a retarded pitbull.
This was just more of the kneejerk reaction that many folks have to any discussion about firearms - but worse than that, there was an undercurrent of anti-law-enforcement sentiment that I found pretty distasteful.
And as for why pkbites posted the question here - the Dope is a community of 10k active users, of which he has been a member for 11 years. Why the fuck wouldn’t he ask such a question here, especially considering the subjective nature of the information he was seeking? pkbites, on behalf of rational liberals everywhere (all one of me, it seems lately), I apologize. I feel you should be able to travel anywhere you need to with your firearm - all the good law enforcement officers I know are always prepared to do their jobs even when they’re off duty, and your firearm is one of the tools you need to effectively do your job.
And finally, bravo to Colibri for not letting that thread turn into a complete shitfest.
Agree on every point. Any GQ question can be researched elsewhere. People ask them here for any number of reasons. There was nothing special about this one, just a question asking about laws and procedures. If anyone was trolling, it was some of the responders.
Just adding to the chorus. I’ve never felt the slightest need to carry a firearm, but the frothing overreaction by some posters to what seemed perfectly straightforward questions was frankly bizarre. I would like to helpfully point out to those people that General Questions has a moderating staff, and you ain’t it.
Good on Colibri for tamping down that particular fire.
So, in the former thread you made some fairly questionable assertions. Might we expect you to ever come back and defend them, or is that pretty much it?
Also, why would you expect ‘viscous’, or vicious, attacks in the ‘Elections’ thread? Personal insults aren’t allowed there any more than they are in GQ, so why were you expecting them, exactly?
pkbites knows what the law says, and was looking for any information on how the law is, in fact, applied. Considering we have at least several other law enforcement officers on this board, and many gun owners, I’d say he had a reasonable expectation to get some straightforward information, or at least some direction on where to get the info he’s looking for (as some helpful folks in the OP actually did, by pointing him to other boards and resources).
And I helpfully told him that it was ok to open carry in NYC. Which is about the answer I would expect from a message board.
But hey that’s just me. I would not trust my big ole Glock to a message board, but feel free. Fuck, have at it. I said he was good. I am an authority. Just ask me, I’m on the internet.