Haiku Madness Part Deux

Shit has hit the fan -
Get the Mr. Clean at once;
Bring lots of Bounty.

Bring lots of Bounty
Said Lieutenant Bligh, or there
Be a mutiny

Be a mutiny!
Shape of pirate! Form of Yarrr!
Wonder Twins power!

Wonder twins power!
Wonder Woman is part of
Wonder bread sandwich


Wonder Bread sandwich -
Look for red, yellow and blue
Balloons on label!

Balloons on label?
For a party or for my

Ain’t she that Irish gal who
Loved salty corned beef?

Loved salty corned beef?
C’mon, doesn’t everyone?
Pass the mustard, please.

Pass the mustard please,
‘Pon the left hand side. Dutchie
Passed by earlier

Passed by earlier,
Did not see it there, but now,
Aha, there it is!

Aha, there it is!
In the same spot where I looked
Seven times before.

Seven times before
Equals betwenty-beeight
This be the new math

This be the new math:
Yea, Five shall be the number -
But Six is right out.

But six is right out
Instead you should eat seven
Krispy Kreme Donuts

(and i checked ‘howmanysyllables’ this time)

Krispy Kreme Donuts
may be great when freshly made.
As on shelves here? Meh.

As on shelves here? Meh.
Freshness in donuts is key
Maple glazed for me!

Maple glazed for me
Or, honestly, any kind
Donuts: Can’t go wrong

Donuts: Can’t go wrong
With long johns or cream-fill’d or
Stuffed with jelly.

(first line repaired)

Stuffed full with jelly
I turned my attention toward
The PB buffet

The PB buffet:
Named for my favorite F* R* I* E* N* D
Although it’s, “Phoebe.”