Haiku Madness Part Deux

There are now five lights
Cardassian torturer
can go screw himself

Can go screw himself
But first, dim the lights. And don’t
Forget the foreplay

Forget the foreplay
she’s on a tight schedule
jump her bones right now!

jump her bones right now!
But first take them to Dinner
put meat on their bones

Put meat on their Bones;
Emily Deschanel was
Just too darn skinny.

Just too darn skinny
But he was obese. Get it?
(He had too much skin)

He had too much skin
In the game, he thought, to leave;
So he lost it all.

So he lost it all.
So what? He could get lots more
Belly-button fluff.

Belly button fluff
something from nothing; refutes

One word per line? Let me see…

You may know, is an album
By Charlie Parker

By Charlie, Parker
Lewis Can’t Lose
was a good
Television show.

Television show
Characters as role models:
Not a good idea.

Not a good idea:
eating belly-button fluff
Ick blech ugh ooo yuck

Ick, blech, ugh, ooo, yuck –
Terms used to describe the Trump


Some people sure do love signs.
Hey, here’s one: “Exit.”

Hey, here’s one: “Exit”
take the next turn to the left
So says my Garmin

So says my Garmin
Who is so charmin I feel
Our intimacy.

Our intimacy
Will ramp up when you doff your
Isolation gear

Isolation gear
Important for pandemics
At least wear a mask