Haiku Madness Part Deux

is a five syllable word
just right for haiku.

Just right for haiku
and for this thread, too, of course.
Turning Japanese!

Turning Japanese
Noodles into 'merican
Just add lots of cheese

Just add lots of cheese
Et voila! You now have one
Ruined clothes dryer.

Ruined clothes dryer?
Hey, there’s a sale at Penney’s!
Well, Johnny says so.


Well Johnny says, “So
Many wonderful guests, but
Just one Tiny Tim.”

Just one Tiny Tim
But the rest of the cast were
On crutches as well.


On crutches as well
As a walker, Willard said,
“You’re too rough in bed.”

“You’re too rough in bed,”
I muttered as I swapped out
My sandpaper sheets

My sandpaper sheets
The set came with a free gift
Styrofoam undies

Styrofoam undies
make me sweaty and, what’s more,
they squeak 'way too much

They squeak 'way too much,
Bind in the crotch, and won’t go
Through the spin cycle.


Through the spin cycle.
Goes my studded thong but why
Studs on the inside?

Stud’s on the inside,
Rocco’s hitting the vault and
Lefty’s the wheel-man.

Lefty’s the wheel-man
Righty’s on brake. I’m stuck in
The middle with you

The middle with you
is between the left with you
and the right with you.

And the “Right with you!”
Lie is repeated, as you
Wait for hours and hours.

Wait for hours and hours.
For my studded thong to dry
What’s taking so long

What’s taking so long
with my car? I really hope
the bill’s not too high.

The bill’s not too high
for juuust the right studded thong;
I’ll pay anything!