Does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve INCREDIBLY bad haircuts? I have less than a week before my Yr 12 formal (eep!) and I stupidly got my hair cut… and not just cut, but it’s in a short CROP! As in, I can’t do ANYTHING with it.
What’s worse, is the fringe is too short (as in, it now sticks OUT instead of lying flat), the back and sides are too short as well, but the top is too long (if that makes any sense). It’s very 80s (I’m doomed)
So please… I’m begging you. ANY of you. Help me make my hair at least decent for my formal? Please…??
You poor thing!
Let’s see here, have you tried slicking it all back into a sleek little dovetail? (I’m thinking like the girls in the Robert Palmer -“addicted to love”–videos, do you have any idea what I’m talking about? )
If it’s really really horrible–have you considered getting a few extensions just for the big day? I know they can be expensive, but if it’s something that would totally ruin your formal, maybe it’s worth it to you…
Check out this site for short hairstyles. I really like #10 and #6, but for the love of god, don’t go anywhere NEAR #3!
Good luck, and try not to let this little thing overwhelm your excitement about the formal. Pretty much any look can be carried off by someone who’s smiling and confident.
Thanks for the website, but unfortunately, my hair is no where near the length of #10. It’s cute and messy, which was the effect I was aiming for - unfortunately, there are absolutely no long strands for me to play with.
#1 is the closest to the length and style of my current hair.
Actually, I think #1 is pretty cute! Have you considered doing something with the color? I’m not much for fussing with my hair, but I see wonderful things can be accomplished with color.
Though Tevya’s advice might be the better sollution, a stylist ought to have lots of ideas and knowledge about what can be done with your specific hair.