Half Blood Prince excitement thread - no spoilers

12.5 hours on the East Coast.

I’ll be at the Union Square madness shortly after eleven, and then taking the uptown six with all the other geeks, book in hand. And then I shall read non-stop until I’m done.

Oh, is there a new Harry Potter book? Why didn’t anybody tell me? :wink:

I wouldn’t worry about the other threads, ronincyberpunk. “Unboxed spoilers” means for the first five books. I posted a link with a warning to the text on the back of the UK version that had a very slight spoiler for what’s probably the first chapter, but that’s it so far. No doper yet has posted a leaked book 6 spoiler.

I intend not to set one virtual foot into cyberspace after midnight tonight. I shall become a temporary Luddite until I’m finished the book. The admin of Mugglenet became very upset when he heard some major spoiler on the boards, and shut them all down. They’re now closed “for reading.”

I saw his post about closing comments to protect people from spoilers. I’m planning to be a quasiluddite, I’ll have email and stuff but I probably won’t be seen much until I’m done reading. I may even take Monday off of work to finish the book - lol.

kaylasmom’s birthday. She’s not as big a fan of the series as I am. I’ve read all of the books to her except OotP, but she never got into that one enough to finish. I’m thinking I’ll spend the weekend being a husband and a father.

I got the amazon.com e-mail saying I would have it by 7:00 on Saturday. But not the one saying it was dispatched.

:begins fretting again:

Don’t tell my wife or kidlets, but;

I am going to sneak down to Borders at midnight and pick up the audio version if I can. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!


FYI, the above spoiler IS NOT ABOUT THE BOOK OR MOVIE.

My apologies if I confused anyone.


Amazon hasn’t e-mailed me to say my book has shipped.

They also haven’t taken the money out of my bank account, though it was in the “pending transactions” section yesterday (today, it’s disappeared).

I’m frightened.

I’m less frightened now–I got no e-mails, but I can track my package, and as of 7:56 this morning, it was sitting in the sorting facility in the next town over …

I’m going to be up at 8 a.m., feverishly trying to finish my reread of Order of the Phoenix and checking the UPS website every five minutes.

I just love being a dork. :slight_smile:

After an embarrassing long read, I just finished Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell!!

I can now read without the guilt of an unfinished book heckling me from the sidelines. Bring on the Prince! gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme

Me too.

But! Amazon shipped it UPS and Amazon doesn’t have my home address. They have my mailing address, which is a PO box! Aiieeee!!!

UPS doesn’t deliver to PO boxes. Call them and have them reroute it NOW or you won’t get it til Tuesday!

Auuuugghhh! Call UPS!! Call them now!!!

(I deal with UPS on a daily basis for work–if they have the information before the package gets on the truck, it’ll be better for all parties involved. :slight_smile: )

UPS says I’m screwed AND that it’s my fault for telling Amazon my PO box.

I’ve had an account with Amazon since forever and they’ve always always always always ALWAYS shipped to my PO box. They didn’t notify me that this one time they’d be using UPS.

Is it really so unusual to have a PO box? I don’t have a choice in the matter. My whole town has PO Boxes.

I want to cry.

Fuck that bullshit. Go buy the book tonight and return the one from Amazon. That stinks.

Is there even the slightest, tiniest chance that in my teeny tiny town the UPS driver will go to the Post Office and find out my address?

The tracking shows that the package is “in transit to final destination.” That sounds grim!

Kind of on the subject. I talked with a guy down at Federal Express. He says over 700 Potter books are on the shipping dock for individual delivery in our county alone.

Tomorrow the Fed Ex drivers have been told that they’ll be in the Potter business first…all book deliverys must be made by noon local time.

uhhhh…probably not. This is UPS. You know, the people that leave “undeliverable” stickies on your door when you know perfectly well that no one knocked because you were home at the time? They’re not that helpful.

I have my bracelet from B&N, and it’s #41 – meaning I’m in the first group, meaning I can buy mine pretty much around midnight.

In my line of work, I have been challenged to divert a UPS package in transit. It is not easy, but this is not to say that it cannot be done. What you need to do is to find a contact phone number for the depot that will pe putting your book on the Brown Truck. If you can succeed in doing this, and if someone at that depot can clap eyes on your specific package, they might be able to place the correct address information on it. Timing is of the essence in a maneuver such as this. You have to hit it AFTER the status says AT FINAL DESTINATION, but BEFORE it says OUT FOR DELIVERY.

Call 1-800-742-5877 ASAP to get this process underway. Good luck.

Bracelets? We need bracelets for B&N?