I just got the long awaited HL2. I know there’s previous threads, but I need to ask for a little help from the more tech savvy among you.
First, I bought this game thinking it might run OK on my laptop - a Dell 2.4Ghz Celeron. I was way off… I fought with it for a few days, and decided that maybe, just maybe it’ll run on my desktop - a PIII 733Ghz. A long shot, I know, but what the hell.
So I once again embarked on that lifelong journey known as: Installing Half Life 2. You’ve discussed it before, you know of what I speak.
It worked. What? It worked!?! It’s running!!! on a P friggin 3 733?!? Well, it does have a Radeon 8500 and 700+MB of memory, I suppose that’s helping a bit.
Well, here’s the help I’m asking for. It runs real well, but slows down about every minute or so for a few to 15 seconds or so. Then it seems to “snap out of it” as it were. It appears to bog down no matter what level of action is going on.
Am I screwed? Is this an unmanageable side effect of the PIII?
Here’s what I’ve tried to improve things a bit:
~All audio & video settings lowered. Res lowered to 800x600. (the recommended defaults were surprisingly high)
~Updated all drivers
~Freed up as much HD space as I could. I’m running very low - about 700MB left.
~Let the system manage my virtual memory
Would overclocking help? I’ve never done it, and would be hesitant unless the smarter of you tells me it’s cool. Could I just buy a new processor? How much would that cost?
Any help? Am I screwed?
The game looks pretty sweet, and I just started killing people, so I’d like at least some performance before I get too into it.
As an aside, what the hell is up with the way this game is installed and played? Rememeber the good ol’ days, when you bought a game, installed it and played without all these delays bugs and hassles? Yeah, me neither, but I’ve been out of gaming for awhile, and this is the worst I’ve seen. You’d think it would get better, not worse. I’ve made a list of things I can do while the game starts:
- Wash and wax the cars
- Mow the lawn
- Learn a trade, perhaps TV or VCR repair
- or earn my degree in accounting or business management.
Seriously, WTFIUWT? It’s pretty frustrating because with 2 little ones at home, my gaming time is severely restricted. Hence the reason I haven’t games in awhile.
And no multi-player??? I know about CS, but no FFA??? HL FFA was the coolest thing since Descent2 multiplayer!!!
Anyway, the game itself seems to rock, and I do hope to get a little performance if possible. Any help???