Another decision.
Halloween costume. I’ve never been very creative in this regard. It’s either someone else’s idea or it’s lame.
What are some of the most creative Halloween costumes you’ve seen?
Another decision.
Halloween costume. I’ve never been very creative in this regard. It’s either someone else’s idea or it’s lame.
What are some of the most creative Halloween costumes you’ve seen?
The most creative ones I’ve seen have been based off of things that were important to the person–movie characters, people from real life, monsters…
What are your favorite movies? Books? People? Scariest monsters? Biggest fantasies (I’m talking about astronaut, cowboy, surgeon, here, not The Priest and the Naughty Girl…).
The most creative costume I’ve ever seen was at Mardi Gras. It was a nice looking young lady dressed as a biped sliver unicorn.
eth: Thanx for the direction. I need to come up with something simple enough that I can put it together. I always liked the wacky ones. Like people as things - a salad, a car accident, but I’m not clever enough to make them.
BTW I guess I should have started with my favorite. 2 girls went to a house party as a clothesline. Simple body suits, cords strung between them with laundry pinned to the cords. People getting tangled up, dancing, - they had a ball!
Perhaps a little off-color, but you could get a giant garbage bag, put a hole in it for face/hands, and go as a condom. Get some plastic hoops to stretch it out so that it’s ribbed. Stick necco wafers on it so that’s it’s flavored.
Dress up in running clothes, and put a number on your back, and you’re a marathon runner. Write it on your arm in black eyeliner and you’re a triathelete.
Make a big horse-shoe shaped tube to wear and tell people you’re a missing link.
…wear a monk’s habit (robe?), and staple bags of chips to it. Viola! (And if you get tired of people not getting it, or get hungry, you have built in snacks.)
…wear a slip, with things like: “Cigar” “Oedipus Complex” “Mother” “Father”, etc., on it. For some reason, it so far seems to work better when it’s on a guy.
Simple, easy, cheap, and amusing to watch people as they make the connection (or don’t, as the case may be).
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Get a dinosaur head from costume shop. (raptor or t-rex) and then at a second hand store get an old and cheesy tux.
Put them together with a mic and bingo you are a loung lizard.
I will now describe the bset costume I ever saw. It would be very simple to do, although I suspect that I will describe in such a way that makes it sound more complex than it is.
I went to a Halloween party with a girl who cut a head-sized hole in the bottom of a cardboard box, and put it on over her head, so the box was resting on her shoulders. She also had a table cloth over the box, also with a hole cut for her head.
How is this so far? So she now looks like a table.
She wore a lampshade as a hat, so now she looks like a table with a lamp on it.
On the table cloth, she glued a few items, such as a phone number scribbled on a piece of paper, an ashtray with two cigarette butts – one regular filter, and one white filter with lipstick on the end, and a condom wrapper.
She was a …
(wait for it)
One Night Stand!
Get it? One Night Stand = One nightstand? Ok, maybe it takes a certain sense of humor. But anyway, I thought it was very clever.
Take one large (body-sized) cardboard box.
Paint to resemble your favorite breakfast ceral.
Add one machete.
I too am soliciting Halloween costume ideas. However, I need something that actually shows my face fairly well. It’s a party and I’m single and I already know there’s going to be lots of female-types there, so there ya go.
I really am at a loss for ideas, though. I don’t mind more traditional disguises, I just want them to look really good is all. Anyone know any good costume shops in the DC area?
I would like to dress up as a cool movie character, but none of my favorite movies, at least the ones I can remember, feature any distinctively dressed characters, or you would actually need to look like them to pull the disguise off. (“Hey, can’t you tell I’m Lester Burnham from American Beauty?” That’s what I get for enjoying realistic movies the most) And Star Wars is too cliche at this point.
Hmm… maybe I should check out the costume stores this weekend, if I can find them. Hopefully I can beat the rush and get something good.
Depends on the crowd, but one of the best costumes I’ve seen was a “Very Pregnant Nun.” (It was even better that the person wearing the costume was male.)
Later in the evening he gave birth – for the rest of the party he walked around holding his new baby (doll).