I'm out of Halloween costume ideas - Help please!

I love Halloween. I’m turning 25 this month and I still must dress up. But it seems that the older I get, the less ideas I come up with for costumes. Things I have been in the past (this includes early childhood on up):

-a My Little Pony
-the rat Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
-Gene Simmons from Kiss :slight_smile:
-Devil girl

I just can’t seem to think of anything this year. I want to go for something cool and original but relatively cheap and easy to make. Any ideas would bring my eternal servitude and gratefulness.

Giant, hairy, big-eyed, fly.

Well, I did see your picture in that other thread soo, I’m thinking of a beautiful princess !

I was thinking of going as the Ghost of Christmas Present. White sheet and face paint, with a huge red and green bow, jingle bells and ‘Do Not Open…’ tag. As you are in another country and all, I don’t think we’re liable to run into the same people.

How about an Amazon, a Floozy, or a Goddess? Or any combination of the three?

I’m going as Nell Gwynne this year. I’m going to wear a big fancy dress, curl my hair, and carry a basket of oranges.

Or Josephine Beauharnais. We’ll see which one will look better in my portfolio.

My sister one year went as a chain-smoking, drunken, pregnant nun. She wore a habit with fishnet stockings and “screw me” heels, bright blue eyeshadow, bright red lipstick, and carried an empty bottle of Jack Daniels. One of her guy friends dressed as a debauched priest – undone dog collar with lipstick kisses, mussed up hair, unzipped pants, and untucked shirt. It made for a memorable Kodak moment.

My favorite costume:

Wear a blue dress, a devil tail and horns, and carry a pitchfork. You will be " A Devil With a Blue Dress On." Most people will find this clever-- however a few will stare at you blankly, clearly thinking “If you’re a devil, why aren’t you wearing red?”

How about a Sumo Wrestler? Just get an oversized skin color body suit and tights and pad yourself all over. Fashion one of those funny butt belt things they wear and there ya go.

One of the creepiest costumes I’ve seen: A guy I knew needed a cheap and fast outfit, so he wore ordinary clothes and took one of those little bags of fake spiderwebs and spread them all over himself. Everyone at the party said “OH MY GOD.” Nobody wanted to touch him. He won the “Scariest Costume” contest.

He was up and around and dancing at the party, but for greater effect, you could sit very still in a chair all evening.

My sister went as a refrigerator once. Take a cardboard box, paint it white, cut armholes in the side and a hole in the top for your head, and slit the front on the top, bottom and 1 side and add a handle so you can open it like a door. Take a long plain white T-shirt and with magic markers, draw shelves and food on it. Voila!

Go as your closet. Take half a dozen t-shirts or other tops on hangers and find some way to fasten half to your front, half to your back. Or shirts in front, pants in back, and hang three or four pairs of shoes from your belt.

Go as a 1920’s style flapper girl.


The loose nun one kills me. So far I’m partial to the “devil in a blue dress” idea. Ha!
A teacher I had in highschool took a piece of toast, cut holes in it and ran a string through to wear it as a necklace. She then wore a fringed jacket and a cowboy hat, and voila, a “toasted western” groan.

Hmm, this thread could also become a source of ideas for others too…keep the ideas coming! I like what I see! :slight_smile:

Paris Hilton?

Possibly, if I can drop, oh, say 200 lbs or so in a couple weeks…I’ll also need to perfect that vapid look and blow my entire paycheque on a pair of shoes. :wink:

Yay! I’m glad someone else thought it was funny besides our immediate family. Most other people just get this look of “Huh? You can’t do that!”

A very highly creative teenaged student of mine went as an “ink blot test” last year.

White body-suit, ink blot on front… and when asked “So what are YOU?”, his answer was a simple, “What do you think I am?”

I thought it was brilliant :wink:

That is priceless!

One of my old college roommates went as a traffic jam. She wore all black–used masking tape to create the division marks of the road and then pinned a bunch of matchbox cars to her shirt and pants. I thought that was pretty funny.

I once wore white pants, a wite tux shirt, a rabbit head with a top hat and a hand puppet bunny that popped out of a top hat as my “date.”
A friend used a large halo thingy to hold a shower curtain as a “come as you are” costume. He wore a skin colored leotard with it, since it was in public and in October :slight_smile:
I also went as an oddly shaped Jack o’ lantern; orange leotard, green tights green hair and face paint, black triangles sewn to make the face.

How about a cleavage-y medieval wench? Pox sores optional.