Halloween Pictures thread

I love seeing how other people dress up for Halloween. I’m especially psyched this year because it’s my first Halloween in the US for the past 11 years. So please, share your Halloween craziness!

Anyway, here are mine. I went as an undead Little Red Riding Hood. I had a neck wound but it fell off early on in the evening, unfortunately.

Sweet Severed Fingers, taken from theDomestic Goddess blog. They were a hit.

Me nibbling on a Finger. I had them in a basket and offered them generously to all who approached me.

Don’t tell Grandmother, please?

None of the photo links work for me.

Um, if the pictures don’t show, change the .net to .com in the URL. Or you can paste the URL directly.

That finger. . . doesn’t quite look like a finger, if ya know what I’m sayin.

Heh. Too big to be a finger, too small to be a … different body part.

I dunno, it is small, but maybe you just didn’t have a very good Halloween? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just carved a couple of pumpkins and set them out on our front porch.



Nice gourds!

That second one really does look evil. Well done. My jack-o-lanterns always ending up looking like they’re drunk.

I love carving pumpkins. This year I decided to keep it classy.

That is SO cool! I love that multi-dimensional carving technique but can’t begin to figure out how one does it.

DarkSide, you done good doing evil!

Ooh! Cool scary fingers.

Here’s me. I was a luckdragon. Sort of. I put a classic backwards-arrow point on my tail after the photo was taken.

Oooh pretty! I think you mentioned in another thread that you made it yourself? That’s amazing.

Well, I’m not doing up Halloween this year, and I missed it last year, but here is a picture of me at the Henri David Costume Ball dressed up as a post-apocalyptic biker guy. I ripped off the tire armor idea from demolition man. The hair cut was my own idea though.


Me as Spike (from Buffy: TvS.)

They’re crappy self-portaits, 'cause it was just me and another guy that night with a camera, and I haven’t gotten a hold of him yet to get the photos he took.

Damn it, I don’t know what the heck went wrong with my last post. It was suppossed to be like this:

Me as Spike.

Excellent effort, but you fail for not going all the way and bleaching your hair. That’s weak, man. Weak.

Though you arguably make a hotter vampire than James Marsters ever did, so kudos for that.

heres’ my son as a baseball player. I thot he ws kinda cute (he’s in the blue shirt)

Here’s a few pictures from my Halloween Party. Good times had by all :slight_smile: