A friend lent me her copy of Handel’s Messiah when it looked like my church choir was going to perform it. I kept it in my car, I remember bringing it back into the house, and now, I cannot find it anywhere. So I need to replace it.
Neither the friend nor I remember what label, orchestra, choir, or director the CD was, so she’s open to a new one. She is, however, very definite in her tastes and insists that “And He Shall Purify” better damn well not be sung in stacatto. (Yes, friend. It’s wrong. So very, very wrong. We hates them forever.)
Please recommend to me a version of Handel’s Messiah without inappropriate stacatto. Critically acclaimed is good. Straight Doper acclaimed is even better. Available by Amazon or other online purveyor is best. Thanks!
This is the version I have; “And He Shall Purify” doesn’t sound too staccato to me (I’m listening to it right now), but I don’t know what your friend’s standards are. It’s track 7 on the first CD, and you can listen to it at the link above.
I think this is a great version of the Messiah, FWIW; my parents have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir version, and it sounds like a bunch of amateurs. I love the one I have.
My newer copy is a digital recording on the London label by Chicago Symphony Orchestra with Sir George Solti-I think it would meet with your friend’s approval.
Since that passage is the dealbreaker, try to find a Borders-they will let you hear the passage of importance first.
Whew. For a minute there, I thought you’d lost your friend’s sheetmusic score. (I would recommend the standard Schirmer edition in that case, unless you’re performing with one of those “authentic Baroque” groups.)
I thought the same thing! I’ve sung The Messiah many times but have never listened to the whole thing, so the only image that came to mind was the nice thick book! Imagine, they’ve made a CD of it!