
I love Handel’s Messiah, from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s overwrought version to Higginbottom’s recording of Handel’s 1751 version with boy trebels and male altos as God, though not usually Handel, intended. But I have a special place in my heart for more-modern interpretations, like The Roches’ a capella Hallelujah Chorus and their “For Unto Us a Child is Born” with its synthesized Fripperies. I’ve tried Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration but found it too '80s and too African-American Churchish for my tastes. While it’s unlikely that Robert Fripp will assemble his friends, if he still has any, to do a full Prog Rock Messiah, I’d like hear other versions of bits of Messiah, at least. Any suggestions?