Han's blaster goes for $550K.


Somebody spent better than half a million dollars for a wooden model of a c96 Mauser with some plastic parts glued to it.

I’m such a nerd.

Uh, but did it shoot first?

I see among the other items was a costume worn by Christopher Reeve in Superman III which sold for $200,000. :eek:

Maybe it’s a blessing Carrie Fisher did not live to see this. I heard she was quite fond of Han’s blaster.

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.

Wait until the buyer finds out it’s not functional.

Han definitely shot first.

You can get a pretty damn close replica of that blaster, in bright orange admittedly, for about $15. If you want one that’s more authentic, about $500. That’s barely an extravagance.

A can of cheap flat black spray paint goes for about a buck at WalMart.

What do you think, silenus? Close enough? Or were you thinking, “investment”? :smiley:

Would I pay some amount of money for the actual prop from the film? Heck, yes.

Do I think that the fact that someone has HALF A MILLION DOLLARS to spend on something like this is a sign that we need more socialism and/or guillotines? That, too.


Roll, tumbrels, roll. :smiley:

Possibly not. According to the linked article, it was a blaster from “Return of the Jedi”. So while it may have shot first, it didn’t shoot first at Greedo. As a prop. If you want to argue that all the props represent “Han’s blaster” and “Han’s blaster” shot first, I’m not going to argue.

Won’t work. Paint doesn’t stick to plastic guns. I know because I’ve tried it.

On the other hand, you could use a replica to make a master mold and turn out as many copies as you want in black plastic.

The basis for the entire Chinese economy summed up in one sentence.

That is VERY cool.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not bought it, not some dissipated French aristocrat, so I think I’ll save my righteous class-warfare indignation for something else.

Sandpaper is your friend. Check out Punished Props approach to painting this very same toy.

I know.

That … took me a second to get! Nice.