Maybe I’ll get around to reading the book before the centennial.
Holy Molly, I forgot!
Er, moley.
Hooray! I thought I was the only person who remembered!
OK, I’m going to have to go reread some of my favorite sections now. Glad you mentioned this, h.sapiens!
Dammit. “Ungirdled.”
“And in the castle there was set a board that was made of birchwood of Finlandy. And on this board was set a flaming mirror wrought by magic on which were shewn strange symbols that were a marvel to behold, telling tales of foreign land beyond the high seas. And before the mirror was lain a mysterious log engraved with like symbols on which anon the learned knight Tusculan entwined his fingers like angry snakes which was a marvel to behold. And he anon full privily stroked a wondrous symbol and lo! the mirror cloudeth with smoke and symbols anew present therein. And the childe Tusculan sang praise to our liege Lord’s Day of Bloom and raised and voided his glass filled with mead from Franken Land. Thanked be Almighty God.”
I think you, Aitch, c’est pien;
Aye taut-eyed bee th’onliest loneliest memorialiszt this blumen dei.
I’ve never read Ulysses, but I feel the need to make some sort of pun or something.
You ask if I’ve read it? No I said No I haven’t No.
Not sure about kidney for breakfast, but someday I will make it to Dublin for Bloomsday… hey, maybe next year would be a good year to start (Er, maybe not).
Classic response to “One of these days I will make it to the Bloomsday celebrations where a bunch of people retrace the steps of Bloom in Dublin.”:
Bloo-hoo-hoo-hooms Day is much too short. I didn’t even get in my cheese sandwich, let alone my kidney.
“No, no, no–Leopold Bloom!”
Oh yeah–I loved The Producers!"
I settled for the glass of burgundy. (Okay, it was merlot. It’s still red.)
But you have the bestest name for today!