Happy Birthday, Bosda Di'Chi of Tricor

Dear Bosda:

I know you had a shitty day yesterday, so I thought it would be good if all your Doper friends sang you a chorus or two of Happy Birthday. Avoid anyone named Brutus today… (Betcha haven’t heard that one for a while…)

Hang in there - Le Ministre

Hippo birdie, two ewes…

HApPY :smiley: bIRTHDAy :smiley: BOSdA!

You forgot a quote. :smiley:

Heh. I’m only capable of so much work in a day. :wink:

Hope your day has got better, fella. Happy birthday and all that.

Hope you have a very good birthday, Bosda.

Happy Birthday, Bosda. Your user name has been one of my favorites since I first started lurking here.

You like me! You really like me!
OK, enough of my goofy rubbish.

My thanks.

You are all very kind. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday Bosda !!!

42 Norwegian Møøse got hammered in your honor today. :smiley:

Yay! Happy Birthday, Bosda! Here is something for you!

While editing, I missed the edit window. I meant to do this ::doublecheck::, but I’m an idiot.

Happy Birthday!

A very happy (hopefully not belated) birthday, Bosda! smooch

Happy Birthday, Bosda! I should have known, another Pisces!

Rock on buddy.

Happy birthday Bosda…(just a couple of hours late :slight_smile: )

Gosh, faithfool that’s some seriously bright coding. I tip my hat off to you.

cleans throat
Cumpleaños feliz,
cumpleaños feliz,
te deseamos, Bosda,
¡cuuuumpleaaaaañoooos feeeeeliiiiiiiz!

(sorry, wasn’t on yesterday)

OK, this made me laugh.

Which I needed.

Aw, well, as long as some good comes out of my goofy coding. I hope things have been going better for you, man. I don’t usually do this, so it’s going to be all socially awkward and I hope you don’t take it wrong, but… <<<hugs>>>

Happy Birthday, Bosda - sorry I missed it.