Happy birthday, jackelope! :)

(I was thinking of using the “my brain’s totally dead, dude… so no birthday thread for you” excuse, but that would be so mean and totally unlike me… so you’re lucky, even though my brain IS totally dead at this moment :slight_smile: Besides, I might as well start this thread while I have the fast computer at my brother’s. :wink: )


Approximate Phonetic Chinese Version of “Happy Birthday”: (thanks, Nathan!)

“Guung juuk nay fook sow yuen teen tsai, hing hong nay sun sun fie lok. Leen leen doe yao gum yut, suuy doe yao gum jzew, guung hay nay! Guung hay nay!!!”

Approximate English Translation of Above:

“Congrats on this good day of fortune, where we can all gather together. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Every year, this wondrous day arrives; Always, this wondrous time comes. Congratulations! Congratulations!”

Yes, you’ve gotten the bilingual version before in that November birthdays thread, but hey! The more the merrier, right? :wink: Besides, this one’s just for you… you don’t have to share it with twenty other people. :slight_smile:

It is my pleasure to wish you a very happy birthday… I’ve enjoyed reading your posts, and talking with you via IM. (it’s amazing the things you can find out about a person that way… :D)

What can I say that hasn’t already been said elsewhere… I should have ideas, since I’m also currently writing ten birthday cards for my friends that have birthdays in the first two weeks of November, but I don’t. (maybe I’m running out of ideas :eek: )

Hmm. You’ve proven to be a very interesting person to talk to, and I think you’re more interesting than I am… even if you think I am cooler than you. (that’s what he told me once, and I’m still not too sure on that one) Sorry about the other night, by the way… my brain was just too fuzzy and needed its sleep!

What else are you doing for your birthday besides going to that deli and writing reflections in that annual journal of yours? (yes, I did read your post in the November birthdays thread) Maybe you’ll thank your lucky stars that your birthday isn’t also Election Day… I have NO idea!

Hope to talk to you soon!


Wow, my own birthday thread! Thanks!

The Big Day was yesterday, and I went out with some friends and celebrated. Celebrated a lot, actually; I’m vaguely considering litigation against several taverns this morning. Still, a good time was had by all.

Thanks again!

No problem!