Happy Birthday, Mr. President...Or something like that...

Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh! You say it’s your birthday!?!? Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh! It’s my birthday too, yeah!!

Well not really, but it is psycat90’s birthday today. (Not saying which one. I’ll let her do that honor.) :wink:

So, lift up your glasses and join me in a toast to the most incredibly beautiful, compassionate and loving woman in the world:

I love you Bella. Happy birthday.

So, everyone, come on in and wish my honey a happy birthday. As always, the obligatory conucopia of liquor and whatnot can be had just inside those doors. Go ahead without us, I need to take the birthday girl upstairs and give her a special gift…

[sub]pssst! Can you pass me that paddle?[/sub]


Happy Birthday Psycat!

Now that the pleasantries are done, where is the liquor?

Awwwwww. How sweet. Hapy b-day psy.

Happy Birthday… and many more! :slight_smile:

Ma chère amie, c’est à ton tour
De te laisser parler d’amour!!

(That’s the Québécois Happy Birthday song, if you’re interested.)


Happy Birthday Psy! For your gift, I will knock off Demo, and assume his identity!

Happy Birthday psycat90! Have a great day!

Happy Birthday Psy, may you have many many years of happiness and joy!! Hope the ole boy spoils you rotten!!

Happy Birthday, Psy!

*psst… thought about renting that paddle? $1 per shot? Might be worth it? :smiley:

Happy birthday psycat!!! Enjoy it!

hands paddle to Demo There, now YOU can enjoy it too… :wink:

heppy berfday psycat90!
heppy berfday psycat90!
heppy berfday psycat90!
heppy berfday psycat90!

Happy Birthday to you!

Enjoy all your presents and cash prizes that go along with being the birthday girl.

I hope Demo is taking you to Chuck E. Cheese.

Spin around alot to celebrate your birthday. Or drink lots of wine. Same thing.

Happy birfday!!!


eek! Thanks everyone. Ok, I’ll spill it, today is the big 3-0. But I still feel 29. Thanks, hon, for the image of you in a sheer glittery gown singing, that’s about all the present I need, although I like pat’s idea on Chuck E. Cheese. Thanks for the thoughts folks, you all really know how to make a girl all warm and fuzzy inside. Oh wait, that could be the merlot. Anyway, muchos gracias.

Happy, Happy Birthday Shannon!! I hope you have many, many more, and with the kidlings and Vince too! :smiley:

<raising my glass of 151 and coke in a toast>

Here’s lookin’ at ya, kid! :slight_smile:

Okay, now where’s the paddle? It’s my turn next! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anything for you, baby.:smiley:
Oh, and Purplebear, gimme that paddle back! I’m in charge of the paddlin’ 'round here!


Happy Birthday psy…save some cake for me for tomorrow.

I don’t eat much cake so it can be a small slice.

Oh and here’s a six pack of beer for ya, I couldn’t make a run to my brother’s connection…it’s pretty dry around here.

Yay! I wish you a very very happy birthday, Psy!
Don’t worry about us guests- we’re used to continuing the party without you two :smiley:

Happy 30th birthday! From your username, I thought that you were going to be turning 90.

All the singing etc… has been done, so I’ll just add my best wishes and have a good time! You’re only at the beginning of your life, and many good times are ahead.

happy bday… even thoiugh everyone forgot mine! sniff

Gratulerar på födelsedagen(happy birthday).
I hope you’re having a good one.:slight_smile:

Happy Birftay psy! Feliz cumpleaños! I hope your birftay is a good one, and i hope that Vince makes tonight one hell of a night for you :D.