Happy Birthday, Mrs. Parker

Another Dorothy Parker Day has come to a close. I had to toast her with apple juice this year, instead of Scotch, since I quit drinking, but the friends I went out with were all doing the real thing. I was the designated driver in one of their SUVs, since my little car barely holds three passengers.

I have a tradition of going out with a few friends every Aug. 22 and knocking back a few in honor of Mrs. Parker. She might prefer we toast her on her death day of June 6 than on her birthday, but I always have my own private ceremony on June 6, because it happens to be also the anniversary of my first period. I remember only because it was the last day of school that year, so the date had been burned into my brain for months.

Aug. 22 is also the Battle of Bosworth, so we toast King Richard III once too. Somehow, I don’t think Mrs. Parker would mind sharing.

Anyway, we have just closed a sacred day.

ETA: Mods: put this in Cafe because of Dorothy Parker, but if it belongs in MPSIMS, go ahead and move it. I debated with myself for a while where to put it.

You must have a very interesting group of friends. The worst part though is you have to deny yourself the pleasure of introducing any of them to one of her quips for the first time. So sad.