Happy birthday to hillbilly queen, Max Torque, MsRobyn, and Silentgoldfish! :)

Wow, all that actually fit in the title box… I’m surprised!

Well, I didn’t muck up the spelling of the word “birthday” in the title box like I did last time, and I won’t muck up the colors like last time, either. You see, I’ve learned my lesson from that mistake… I’ve now put the coding for it in a document on this computer. (no guarantees for times I’m not at this computer, though) On to the point of this thread:


Approximate Phonetic Chinese Version of “Happy Birthday”: (thanks, Nathan!)

“Guung juuk nay fook sow yuen teen tsai, hing hong nay sun sun fie lok. Leen leen doe yao gum yut, suuy doe yao gum jzew, guung hay nay! Guung hay nay!!!”

Approximate English Translation of Above:

“Congrats on this good day of fortune, where we can all gather together. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Every year, this wondrous day arrives; Always, this wondrous time comes. Congratulations! Congratulations!”

hillbilly queen, I must say that I look forward to reading what you have to say. It’s always a pleasure to read your posts. :slight_smile:

Max Torque, I’d like to thank you for helping me out in chat on the weekend. Being a total novice, I probably came across as a total goober because I made all these mistakes and stuff. (lel says it wasn’t that bad, as we were all newbies once… I believe her, really) I just wanted you to know that I appreciated your help very much (as I did lel’s, and everyone else’s), and enjoy seeing what you post here on the boards. :slight_smile:

MsRobyn, ever since I got here, I’ve been interested in hearing about what was happening with you, Dave, and the baby. You seem very nice and loving, and I want you to take care of yourself and baby, okay? :slight_smile: (yes, Dave probably needs to be taken care of as well, but you know what I mean) Your posts are always enjoyable to read. :slight_smile:

Silentgoldfish, I know by rights that your birthday is on the 27th (everyone else’s here is on the 26th), but you being in Australia, I’m sure that for you, the 27th is today. (all I know about Australian time zones is that you’re always a day ahead of us and living in the future, as an Australian friend of mine is always saying) I enjoy seeing your posts here and at G’Dope. Just wanted to get in a wish now, so it wouldn’t seem so horribly late or whatever. :slight_smile:

I wish only the best for you guys, and here’s hoping you have awesome, rocking birthdays! What are you guys going to do to celebrate? Take care of yourselves, and have fun! :slight_smile:


And it took no less than five tries to send the above… :rolleyes: Meanwhile, Airman Doors has beaten me to it, as regards Robin. :slight_smile: Two threads in thich one person’s birthday is mentioned… Robin, you are one lucky woman! :slight_smile:


Like my friend Eric was urging me to do at least 45 minutes ago, I should really go to bed. Of course, I meant to say “two threads in which one person’s birthday is mentioned.”


Actually it’s the 28th, but no-one minds having two birthdays! :slight_smile:


You guys SOOO got sucked in with the fish’s birthday.

First of all, the fish is an Aussie; second of all the fish is a Queenslander, and third of all, the fish’s birthday occurs on the anniversary of Stonewall.

So come Friday, I wish you a “very happy Stonewall losing the State of Origin being a Queenslander” birthday. And what the fuck happened to the guys with the cute asses who were wearing the maroon shorts?

Shame. Wassn’t giving us XXXX enough?

I’m gonna be in Sydney on Monday.

**I know where you live. **

The fact that I don’t actually know where you live and am from Sydney anyway not withstanding… :slight_smile:

<ahem>clearing throat<ahem>


Who’s up for spankings?

Happy b-day everyone!

Ok, so I don’t get attacked with a copyright issue again (see the picture pages), I shall give you a generic T.G.I.O’Chili’s version:

Happy Happy Birthday!
From all of us to you!
We hope that you enoy
Your free birthday cake!

Those restauranteurs are not known for their songwriting abilities.

Speaking of, Birthday Dopers, I’m treating you all to a Shoney’s/Bob’s/Frisch’s Big Boy hot fudge sundae cake. Just stop in today and tell them it’s your birthday, and Max sent ya!

Happy Birthday all y’all!

Thanks everybody! especially Flamsterette_X :slight_smile:

Wishing you a wonderful day, a wonderful year and a wonderful life.

Happy birthday to youse,
Happy birthday to youse,
Greetings and felicitations on this, the momentous anniversary of your entry into this plane of physical existence…
Haaaaaaapppppy birthday to youse guyses!

Happy birthday, Everyone!

And now for your birthday punches:

And one fer good luck: tap
A pinch for an inch: pinch
And a choke not to smoke: lightly grabs said birthday boys and girls around the neck and gives them a gentle throttle

Aw, shucks, 'tweren’t no thang, O Flamstrous One. And thankya very much for the birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday you guys!

<slight hijack>

Where do you chat? IRC?

<end slight hijack>

Here’s to frozen raspberry margaritas with little purple umbrellas on your heatwave birthday!


dreamer, yep, on IRC. Specifically, on Undernet, in channel #straightdope.

I should note here that the IRC channel #straightdope is not owned, operated, affiliated with, sponsored by, surrogate to, recognized by, associated with, or even particularly liked by, the Straight Dope Message Board, the Chicago Reader, Cecil Adams, Ed Zotti, the color purple, the letters K and G, or the number 6.

Damn. forgot to add one day on to the date of your post in the birthday thread. (and then calculate from there) Sorry about that. You can rest assured that my birthday notebook has been modified to reflect this new information. Just consider this your semi-official birthday thread, and don’t get too miffed if you don’t have one on the 28th! (my time or yours)

I swear, I should just start all birthday threads on the actual day, but my time. Makes it easier, for one thing. Too much calculating of time zones and such for my brain to handle otherwise…


Happy Birthday to all of you!

May your year be filled with love and laughter…

and especially for my old chat buddy Max…/me jumps on Max’s back and nuzzles his neck…HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear heart!

