Happy Buffy Day

Today is the 15th Anniversary of Welcome to the Hellmouth.

Thanks, Joss. You’ve given me friends and entertainment.



And in honor of the occasion, I got autographs and my picture taken with Charisma Carpenter! She’s at the Hobbystar Toronto Comicon this weekend.

I’m so jealous! She is smokin’ hot.

Yes, and a lot of fun. I enjoyed her Q&A session yesterday, even though somebody in the Toronto Buffy meetups group had said that she was dull on a previous panel.

I asked a question about her reaction to finding out about the Xander/Cordelia first kiss, and didn’t really get an answer that exactly fit the question - she wandered off quickly into a bit of a rant about how she was upset at the writers quickly putting in references that the two of them were ‘always sneaking off into closets’ and Cordelia’s sexual experience. But that got her onto a funny story about her first on-screen kiss experience, on ‘Baywatch’ which was funny enough that I’m not complaining. :smiley: