Happy, Merry MMP

Grey and rainy here, too. Massively donwanna go to irk.

Please tell me you’ve sampled these yourself …

Morning all. Paper has been rescued and pills taken, need to get some Instant B’fast done and then go forth and do stuff–banking and shopping. Like swampy, not exactly an average December day here (56F now heading for 66F and supposed to hit 70F tomorrow).

Taters, never heard of Doggie Ice Cream, maybe get some for all the family dogs this Xmas…

OK, need to fetch sustenance and then dress appropriately for public. All y’all take care.

Purging my spam. There’s one email with the subject ‘Better butter spreader’. It says, ‘Introducing the 3-in-1 butter knife that is changing the way we breakfast.’

Of course I didn’t open it. Spam gets deleted immediately without opening. Does the world really need a better butter knife? We have a butter knife somewhere, but we never use it. We spread butter with a table knife, as Og intended.

I like to say we’re “Catholic Lite” same great taste, one third less guilt.

I used to go to the Hungate’s hobby shop all the time. I wonder if it’s still around.

Rocket Mortgage called yesterday. They do that when the interest rates drop. We were looking at refinancing again to reduce our term by eight months and drop our interest rate by a bit, Then we ran the numbers. It would take almost ten years to recover the closing costs, but the term would drop to eight years, so hard pass.

Today is supposed to be warmer than yesterday, so I think I’ll jump on my bike in a little bit. Actually, considering the wind I’m seeing in the trees outside, maybe I’ll run instead.

Happy Hump Day!

Brats dropped off at daycare, so no need to brave the cold this morning.
It’s 47 outside now, tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s.

I saw lawn guy outside fixing the fence. He’s tall enough that I saw his head go by my window. He usually texts me when he is coming over.

Yesterday was most irritating.
I had to deal with a website that… locked my account because it said I entered the wrong password too many times. That’s a lie, because my sign on and password are autofill. It never told me I entered the wrong password, just kept looping me back to the home page. Then it decided I wasn’t allowed to access the website at all, making me have to call and talk to a (worthless pos) human. She tried to help me log in, and then she told me my browser was incompatible with the website and I needed to use a different browser. Funny, because I have been using chrome for years with this website and now all of a sudden, I can’t use chrome anymore?
Then I get into the website using ::shudder:: microsoft edge.
Then I asked a question about the info in my account, it was supposed to be updated by Nov 24 and hasn’t been. Coincidentally, the website stopped working that same day. Oh no says the worthless pos, it takes 60 days to update. I said that is not what the website says, it says four weeks. She says no, it takes 60 days. I said then why does the website say four weeks? She doesn’t know why. I said so it’s okay to lie to people on your website? If it takes 60 days, then the website should reflect that and not lie to people.
After I got off the phone with her, I went back out to the site and what do I get?
A survey asking me about my experience.
I think they will not like what I had to say.

We also had that horrible four-letter word… SNOW yesterday.
At least it didn’t stick around.

I have three more gifts to buy.
I wish da jungle would let you select a delivery date in the future.
I want the gifts to arrive a bit closer to Christmas.

Today is filled with laundry. I’m doing very small loads because the washer is not doing so well. I can’t afford to buy a new one right now, not after putting out $3000 for the tree. Well, I can, if I go to Home Depot, as they are offering interest free on their credit card right now. Maybe I should buy a new one before this one goes up and I have no washer. I hate this washer too, have never liked it. It’s from China and all the instructions are in Chinese. I could never find an English translation online. We’ve just done the best we could with the pictures.

I am googling this. I don’t need it, but I need to know what it is. :smiley:

ETA: I’m buying one. It actually looks very interesting.

So much for looking for washers.
F Best Buy and Home Depot
They both keep sending me to stores halfway across the state, even though I time and time again put in the store up here.

First World Problems, but so damned annoying!

Did you read the negative reviews?

No… :frowning:

Maybe not.

Do you have the link? I want to read the reviews! :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re not very exciting. Rusting “stainless” steel, cheap knock-offs abound. Of course, there’s also the part where almost no one can figure out how to use the thing.

You want the sugar-free gummies for the “great” reviews. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great communication Walmart has on delivery. App says my grocery delivery should be in about 15 minutes. Depending on which part of the same page of the website I believe, it’s either in transit or already delivered (that one’s an easy NO, since there are no bags at my door).

In other news, also awaiting deliveries from Ontrac (carpet shampooer) and FedEcchs (DH’s foot massager).

We scored FCD’s crazy Christmas gift, so that’s done. And we went by Food Lion so I could get some soda on sale. When we got home, we cleared most of the leaves in the front and back yards. We’re threatened with rain tonight which would have made de-leafing tomorrow a mess. So, a productive day.

We have to leave at 4 for the imaging center in Waldorf for FCD’s MRI. Beyond that, nothing on the agenda. I’ll tackle the laundry tomorrow. Such an exciting life I lead.


Afternoon all. Did banking, then went to Staples, Home Depot, Kroger and Publix so all the necessary shopping for the day is complete. Bought a new space/room heater, it seems to be putting out a pretty good quantity of heat right now, so that is promising. Have enough toilet paper to last until Memorial Day (as long as I don’t have a case of dysentery) and enough Pepsi until Tax time.

FCM, saw the Facebook pages of your new boat. Looks great unless you plan to hunt Great White Sharks with it…then you’ll need a bigger boat…

Think I’ll pass on the better butter knife…just got to remember to get the butter out a little early to let it soften.

Sari, have had a couple of websites that were quick to lock me out and a pain to get back into…you’d think they would appreciate customers better.

English Premier league soccer is on, need to watch some of it…so of course they are dropping that channel at the end of the year (to be honest, apparently NBC Sports is closing the channel, hopefully some of the programming will be elesewhere in the NBC world).

Take care all.

I thought this would save me having to put it in the microwave for 15 seconds.

Oh, dear! Fifteen seconds! (FWIW, I soften a stick of butter in the microwave oven for 10 or 11 seconds.)

I use a butter dish. My butter is always soft.

Howdy Y’all! We did all the things, honed our sloth skills, and made and et sup. Shrimpies 'n grits with bacon wrapped (cause everything is better with bacon!) spareguts hit the spot.

A better butter knife would not make butter better so why is it a better butter knife? Like flyboy we go all uncouth heathen and use a table knife. Butter knife! We don’t need no stinkin’ butter knife!

unknown, I do mostly heritage scrapbooking and cardmaking. To pay for my hobby, I do wedding albums for hire. :slight_smile: I also occasionally do embroidery and cross stitch. We used to have a shop near where I lived at the time called The Stitchin’ Post. It had anything that you would want to buy for needlework. The only local hobby shop here specializes in model rockets, planes and trains. If I had a bunch of room, I could get into building the sets for trains.

seanette, did you follow someone’s link that may have had something similar? I start to get ads for all kinds of stuff when I do that.

Irked, got called into the boss’ office in the morning. He told me that I was doing stuff that wasn’t in my job description. I told him that I was doing it on the instruction of my lead. Damn, don’t they ever talk to each other. Anyway, I am now only doing what’s in a small portion of my irk instructions.

I called once home to have the car serviced and Android Auto updated Friday to prepare for the trip to Texas. I need to go online tonight to reserve my hotel room one evening this week too.

I decided that, since I won’t be home for Christmas, I would bake a ham this weekend so that I have a ham bone for New Year’s black eyed peas. I’ll likely fix some sweet potatoes (baked, thank you), cornbread and something green.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

I have some leftover rotisserie chicken that needs usin’ up … somehow. Currently heating the oven for one of those finish-bake-at-home loaves of bread.

I finally have a Blessed Day Off tomorrow, and really need to not piss away the day being unproductive. Wish me luck with that!

I have most of my Secret Santa stuff gathered, and need to find an appropriate box…