Happy Mothers Day!!!

I just want to thank my mother for all the crap she’s had to put up with because of me. I have just recently turned 25, and looking back, see that i was a very very bad boy. Through the turmoil of being an immigrant coming to america with nothing, and struggling through hard times with my father, working together at a car repair shop in Brooklyn they started up, and of course having me, all at a very young age. Later having to escape from NY for a temporary period of time because of Mafia troubles with their business, and later with the IRS, through it all i was your typical punk rock geek a**hole of a son. Spoiled rotten by my associations in america, unawares of what my parents had to go through, only after my own nightmares in the army and struggling on my own was i finally able to realize what a wonderful woman my mother truly is. And i love her very much for putting up with everything i have done to her, and my father through it all, and still being here today, (lucky for me), for me to thank.
Thanx mom.
and thanx to all mothers out there who have put up the good fight for their children. I sincerely hope you all get the thanx you deserve.

Wow sousling,
I thought that was me for a second. I’m a few months shy of 25, my father worked as a mechanic in Brooklyn, then built up a huge huge Transmission company, lost it all due to Mafia trouble.
None in my immediate family are immigrants, By I was a viscious tyrannt of a little ADHD boy and I would also like to use this forum to wish my mom the very best on this and every other day (though she’s scared to death of computers and will never read this). Here’s to moms.

**Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! ** Wherever you are. All I got was your voicemail.

Why do you think I got you the cell phone? Because you live in your car. But you have to keep it charged.