hardygrrl has a girly moment

Hey, I have a few experts here - please settle an argument.

 You are in a sidewalk cafe type place. Two couples are at a table - a married couple, and two on a date. A girl comes along selling flowers for a few dollars. Approaches married guy first. Married man buys some for his wife. Isn't the single guy pretty much required to buy his date flowers too? Maybe he would've if they were alone, because he was a romantic. Maybe he would occasionally "just because". A friend said they thought him buying her flowers in that instance was "romantic". Maybe he is. Maybe it was an impulse, to make her smile. Maybe he felt he had to. I just said not buying was not an option, and his reasons could be questioned. Likewise, if married guy DOESN'T buy, single guy makes HIM look bad if SG buys, unless there is a minor occasion (B'day, etc). Opinions?


Thank you, Tygr. smooch Perhaps TruePisces will let me borrow her student assistant. :wink: And I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you too…I’ll be back down there before too long, I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Lurker…I want flowers just because someone thought I’d like them,not because he felt obliged to buy them. That’s why I stayed with the ex as long as I did…he used to wake me up by stroking a rose on my cheek ::sigh::

Tygr…first off {{{{{Tygr}}}}}}

And I’ll take option A as well but do really think you could handle me,Falcon and True Pisces all in the same day? I’m pretty sure you’d end up hospitalized…very happy but DRAINED>

That wasn’t really referring to you (though your input IS appreciated). Just meant in that position his motivations can be questioned. A discussion I had with someone.

Oh, BTW, Hardygrrl?

[sub] taking notes: waking her up by stroking her cheek with a rose… got it…[/sub]

Lurker…you’re welcome :slight_smile:

Still thinking…me and my friends have discussed a million times how it’s SO hard to find the guy who combines sweetness and can make you scream/gasp/tear sheets.

So far? LIke I said I thought I had found one but I blew that big time by opening my mouth and pushing things.

And as for Art,the guy previously mentioned? His girlfriend is one of my best friends so even if he was free…big huge no way.

As for Joe…call me shallow but…he’s a puppy. A hottie but too immature for me to get serious about.
Does the fun ever end?

Sounds to me like you need to start turning over some new rocks.

Birdman…you’re preaching to the converted here,m’kay?

So far I’ve met 3 guys who fit that description…

  1. Guy I dated in high school who was doing that for other women as well.

  2. The ex fiancee-and I had to train him on the “how to make hardygrrl scream” .

  3. The online guy - already said all that needs to be said there. He has made it perfectly clear that he’s not interested and at this point hopefully the friendship will continue but…why did I say anything to him about being attracted to him? Stupid stupid hardygrrl :frowning:

Why can’t they train the nice guys how to fuck and the guys who can fuck how to be nice…maybe a class in high school?

I like to surprise my wife (and other ladies) with roses from time to time…sometimes I get a peck on the cheek, sometimes I get the big reward :smiley:

on an unrelated note: Several years ago a lady I was working with was in a funk…the father of her child found another girlfriend, she was really down in the dumps. I went to a local florist and had a dozen reds sent to her with the card signed, “Your Secret Admirer”

Her confidence did a 180, and everyone was despartley trying to find out who sent the roses (they never did find out)

:eek: Within two weeks she had another boyfriend, they married, later divorced and now she says she’s a lesbian and living with her lady lover…

Wondering if the roses were a good idea after all

BTW, my wife also got roses the same day. Her’s were for “just because”

And a note to those guys who don’t want to give flowers “because they’re just going to die anyways” - dry them! Let them sit in a pretty vase for the week or so when they’re still really pretty, see your SO smile and be happy every time she looks at them, and then have her dry them. Take them out of the vase, tie them up and leave them hanging upside-down for a week in a dark place (i.e. closet) until they dry. They last forever then, and although they’re darker than they were, they’re still pretty. I’ve been with my current SO for a year, and I still have the flowers he gave me for our six-month anniversary. And they STILL make me smile! Three red roses and a dozen little yellow wildroses :slight_smile:

Tygr, you are one of the sweetest men I know! Unlike the other two, I think I’m going to go for option B. The mind-blowing physical is great, but every once in awhile, you just need that companionship! (And the FarScape marathon is right on target. Damn, you’re good! :slight_smile: )

lurker - I don’t think it’s expected. Appreciated, yes, but the girl shouldn’t look down on the guy if he doesn’t. And anyone else in the place… how do they know he didn’t just buy her a dozen reds and they’re sitting in the car? :smiley:

hardygrrl - Somehow, I don’t think that class is ever going to be taught in HS! But trust me, there are a few out there… I’ve run across them a time or two in my life…

TP…how about a college class or a seminar hehehe.

You can teach them to be nice and I’ll handle the other side.

Topics covered:

Foreplay-Yes it IS mandatory.

How to use your tongue properly.

Gentle touch until prompted for harder.

Switching roles or sometimes I bark out orders,sometimes you do.

Hey sign me up.

I got it down pat but always like additional instruction.

This gonna be a sister school to the Flirting Acedemy, or postgrad work?

Ah well, I’d never passed the oral entrance exam…

Because it must be this weird combination of approaches and values. I’ve always been very respectful in situations where I might have been a selfish pig. It’s just how I am, I don’t believe in agression.

Having said that, I’m a helpless romantic. I also want my lover to tie me up with rubber tubing and do unspeakably rough things to me- whatever she wishes to do. That’s trust, and lust. Rare to find it, and as the years go on ( yeah, an affair that’s lasted more than 4 years. Refreshing ain’t it??), we open up more to each other.

She hates cut flowers cause they die. Every time I’ve flown to see her, I’ve brought a 1/4lb box of Godiva, so we can enjoy the succulent pleasures of fine chocolates on our tongues as we make love. Why a quarter pound only? Because some things are much more valuable when done in moderation. Almost nothing else in our intimate life is held to that line ( thank god ) but…somehow…just a morsel of chocolate is a lovely thing.


Oh yes you would. Trust me. You would.

But if you don’t believe me, I’ll be happy to give you the oral entrance exam anyway. :wink:

What a great day - smooches from Falcon, hugs from hardygrrl, and TruePisces called me sweet. Looks like no work’s gonna get done HERE today. :smiley:

Falcon- I’m fairly certain that TP wouldn’t mind loaning me out between sessions, especially to you. [sub]IhopeIhopeIhope…[/sub]

hardygrrl - Well, now, I DO like a girl whose confident in her abilities, but don’t sell me short. Wanna go fer a test drive? I’ll give ya’ a taste and who knows? P’raps you’d wind up needing some PT. :wink:

TruePisces - Trust me, I’ve learned the pleasure of cuddling. Curling up on a Friday night in front of channel 49 is my favorite way to end the week.

Now I’m going to take a break and inject some of my IRL stuff into the discussion.

First, lurkernomore’s question - In my mind this is rule number one, in that it has a lesson for the man and the woman: Any woman who expects romantic gestures, be it anything from flowers on down to opening the car door, shouldn’t get them. A romantic gesture that is expected is an oxymoron - the romantic aspect comes from the spontaneity.

Nextly, on giving flowers - Dave Barry said in a recent column that women want gifts that have no practical purpose. That’s why you don’t give her a vacuum cleaner on your anniversary. It’s too useful. And that’s why women like jewelery. It is completely useless. I think that explains flowers. They are a gift, they are pretty, they have no practical use. But I think men would like giving them 1)because women genuinely like them, and 2)they really aren’t that expensive. And this thread has served as a reminder that it’s been a while since Mrs. Tygr got flowers.

Brynda said, “he said he was happy to be so attentive to me.” Yes, that’s exactly how every man should be. Because to have the attentions of a special, classy lady of quality who cares about him, that is the dream, the treasure every man wants deep down, whether he knows it or not. The best men are aware of this and seek it out. The worst men are not aware of this and abuse the treasure when they find it. Which leads to women who willfully stop being treasures. I believe all women contain the seed of the treasure, the special sweetness, kindness, and gentleness of heart that only women are fully capable of demonstrating. And the best men ARE happy to be attentive when they find this treasure – they want to in order to keep the treasure near them.

See, that IS the “girly” girl. And if there were more of those “manly” men, there’d be more “girly” girls.

There’s more I could say about how these ideas of “girly” girls and”manly” men have been perverted, twisted, and corrupted until we got the horrible “gender roles” confusion we have today, but I think I’ve hijacked enough for now.

Tygr, of course I’ll lend you out between sessions. Sometimes it’s good for my student assistant to assist other students. :wink: (Though, I do think you’re due in my office about now, if I’m not mistaken… ) And you are sweet. I’m going to do my best to make a stop on my way north. I just hope that timing allows for it.

As far as the cuddling in front of channel 49… lead the way, m’dear. Lead the way! :slight_smile:

No, it’s because if she gets mad at you, being hit with flowers doesn’t hurt NEARLY as much as being hit with a vacuum cleaner…

A Hijack or hardygrrl does the fuck buddy to get to steppin’

I am,by nature, an affectionate person. With my close friends,male and female, I do hand out the hugs and kisses.

My friend Gerald came by my cube and as usual we did the hug and cheek kiss hello. I DIDN’T see my fuck buddy observe this.

About 5 minutes later I get an email saying " Well I guess I’m being replaced."

My response?

Gerald is my friend and when did we start dating? Where do you get the right to give me an attitude?

No response for a half an hour(you could smell the pouting in the air though) then this poetic little gem.

“Jeff Hardy is a fag.”

I shot back with…“Very mature and not at all homophobic. Don’t need this and BTW even gay men like blowjobs. I’ll give him head and he can pretend I’m a guy.”

He stormed over and demanded the backstage passes back. Handed them over,smiled and said…

“It’s ok…I know what hotel he stays at anyways.”
Boys suck-I need a MAN.