Harmless Doper Crushes

Hey! You stole my finale!! Of course, at this point, I’m pretty sure he knows that I’m wildly moon-eyed over him (that is, if he’s even noticed me before) and if not, everyone else does. :stuck_out_tongue:

So don’t you go horning in on my territory you! I’d have for us to have to throw down a rumble (or four). Unless you want to share and LHoD doesn’t mind.

::: waves timidly at my trifecta of admiration :::

And is awed by everyone’s great taste. Applauds.

Awwww…I like you too. Tink and I were talking about you today, wondering how Miss Caleigh is and if she is home yet. Conversation promptly disintegrated to the usual topic around here- poo or just farts?*
*just farts.

This isn’t really a poll or discussion. “Less than cosmic”, but still more suited to MPSIMS.

Off it goes.


Ooh! Ooh! She’s home for a week now, and went for all of that week with no poo, but lots of farts, so your discussion was unwittingly apt. (Pooped today finally, and all is now right with the world.) The only pants she fits into are the premie ones you sent, all the other stuff people got her is granny pants up to her armpits right now. Cute, but highly undignified.

I think it’s been pretty obvious that swampbear is my big SDMB crush.

Also, there’s Bambi Hassenpfeffer and Sampiro, even if he thinks that everyone hates him.

(Is it OK to have 3 board crushes?)

CynicalGabe in his Russian hat, yum yum.
Stranger On a Train has won me over with his wistful eloquence. I see him as being poetic and prone to wearing large black overcoats, for some reason.
I’m also fond of roger thornhill, but that’s veering towards Electra Complex territory as he reminds me of my dad.

Right, that’s enough embarrassment for one day.

picking self up from floor

I’m speechless.



Er, wow, I’m not just a figment of my own imagination.

Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve no black overcoat. I do have a dark blue one, which I wear when it rains or when I want to do a Harry Lime/Sam Spade impression, and I once wrote a poem but managed to outrun the lynch mob, and have never erred since.

I’ve got a couple of “crushes” I suppose, but either the know who they are or they don’t need to know. :wink: I check in on Chronos and Darwin’s Finch when I’m bored 'cause I like their general areas of discussion (relativity physics and evolutionary biology, respectively), and I find that Tuckerfan and Johnny L.A. generally initiate some pretty good OPs.


Sorry Veb. I’d considered this a poll of sorts, but obviously neglected the extremely “mundane” nature of it. Mea culpa. :frowning:

That said, I’m thrilled to see the Hermit show up. Makes my night. Now if I can only get the other two in here and any (Bueller? Bueller? Anyone??) that might think I’m comparable to chopped liver, I’d much appreciate someone throwing me a nod.

I think I’ve just mixed my metaphors, right? Surely that’s an endearing, crush-enducable trait. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

If it helps, faithfool, this thread alone makes you crush-able. :wink:

Shockingly, with three major exeptions, all of my crushes have shown up in this thread in one fashion or another.

I suppose since I have the sense of humour of a 12 year old boy, I’m gonna’ have to say lieu. He is soooo funny.

Jeez! I never open this kind of thread but it is a slow night.

Tease away :slight_smile: You are always good value. I can’t say I have the same deep and abiding love for you that you have for yourself but you ain’t bad :).

Well, this is me, if that jogs your memory. And no, I actually didn’t get here through a vanity search.

As for Doper crushes, I’ve had a few, and they’re probably tired of hearing about it.

Can I have that for my sig?

I insist you do :slight_smile:

You are good people.

Someone killed everyone else…only Kiwis are alive! One of us likes reality TV. QUICK, RUN!)

I’ve clicked on “post reply” 3 times and I still can’t work up the nerve… I’m such a dork.

I forgot to mention of have a straight girl crush on pinkfreud.

Does he think that really? I don’t have a crush on him but he is **one ** entertaining read. If I see his name I go right to the thread.

I’m older than most people, including my own mother. And, pinkers, I know *exactly * what you mean.